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Heard about this this morning.

I'd like to see some evidence that we don't have the specifically skilled workers here, I know the unions claim that it's not true and the skills are here but unions are just like politicians they can make whatever accusation they like and not be accountable for it.

I don't agree with keeping locals out of work but if the locals aren't qualified or skilled to do specific jobs then this is pretty much like any other business out sourcing their labour. Demonstration or not I can't really see too much changing but I think if the company claims the skills aren't here it's their job to prove they claim and justify their imported workers.
There's even a bigger problem here, if we already don't have (and I'm not saying we don't) competently experienced people to do the jobs and we are hiring from over-seas, we are just leading to an even bigger skills shortage in the future.

I did an engineering degree and have seen how companies are more willing to pay big bucks for experienced guys, than bring up grads, and this is in an industry with a skills shortage apparently!
Good on them! About time somebody took a stand against this sort of horse manure.
And this thing about skills shortage is the biggest load of bullshit ever seriously. I'm in the power industry where there is "apparently" a shortage of linesmen. Interesting, since there is linesmen applying for jobs left right and centre including 4-5 that I know personally... But the more interesting thing is... Somehow the companies that advertise for these positions always seem to end up hiring foreign workers. In this case a LOT from the philipines.
Nothing against them! We work with the from time to time, and they're great friendly blokes who know their stuff, but speaking to them about their hourly wages, reveals all. It's all about the mighty $$$$$$. They're willing to come here and work for peanuts, and the bosses here are rubbing hands in excitement with $ signs in gleaming from their greedy eyeballs. There is no shortage. At least I can speak so from a power-line industry perspective.
Sad thing is, there is nothing there to regulate or stop it and it will keep on keeping on across many industries.
Law of averages says there has to be some jobs that we simply can not fill because of the required skills to do the job aren't here.

I've known of several jobs over the last 20 years where there was no local workers skilled in the particular field needed and the companies either sent one or two people overseas to learn or brought one or two workers in. Realistically this is the same thing but on a larger scale, if and only if, the company is being honest in saying there are no qualified people here.
I'll draw your attention to the old Franklins supermarket (pree 2000). Place was loaded with 457 IT workers all assuring the bosses that what they were doing would prepare the company for Y2K. They sent it broke.

I felt sorry for (some of) their long term IT workers who had a clue. Some wisely bailed. a few unfortunately went down with the ship.
There is too much scope to abuse the 457 system. As krafty says, if the skill are genuinely not there then fair enough. But all a company has to do is advertise locally, then bitch that they can't find anyone suitable (read, works for peanuts) and they can apply for 457. Its a joke -- Ghina etc are the only ones laughing though.

Then there's the issue of training the next generation of skilled workers -- which is a whole other can of worms!
Awe leave poor Gina along, she worked hard for her money, she pushed the boundaries for women and proved that women too can inherit a pile of cash and turn it into a shitload more by stepping on everyone below her. Once upon a time that was a man's domain, she proved that wrong.
Maxi trans in ballarat is running with chinese welders, ok there might have been a shortage at one stage, but surely in The last few years theve had them there they could of been training more locals
Awe leave poor Gina along, she worked hard for her money, she pushed the boundaries for women and proved that women too can inherit a pile of cash and turn it into a shitload more by stepping on everyone below her. Once upon a time that was a man's domain, she proved that wrong.

Hang on, I've seen the photos but must of missed something. Gina's not a man? WTF
You would think the Labor party would be standing up for these workers.

Maybe they're pissed off that all the old corrupt union hacks are now in the Labor party.

Isn't the ALP for the workers. Said too be, more so for the UN and lining their corrupt pockets.
You would think the Labor party would be standing up for these workers.

Maybe they're pissed off that all the old corrupt union hacks are now in the Labor party.

Isn't the ALP for the workers. Said too be, more so for the UN and lining their corrupt pockets.

Umm Dave, the Labor Party stopped being for workers in the 80's when it started to fill up with incompetents from the legal profession.

AFAIK, very few of the union guys are actually workers either.

Have a good look at all your local candidates and see how many have an entire working career of being a hack for a member of parliament..
AFAIK, very few of the union guys are actually workers either.

That's probably also true of anyone sitting in Canberra, or any state parliament for that matter.

I think it partly stems from the old saying "in any employment, a person will rise up to their level of incompetence and stay there".

Doesn't work for me, of course. I haven't had a promotion in years. I argue with the boss - he's a complete prick, btw, won't even give me a pay rise in line with CPI - but it gets me nowhere. He follows me around and watches everything I do, too. I'm near the end of my tether with the old goat.
Current Labor, Roxon, Combet, Gillard, Thomson, Emerson and Shorten are all ex Union hacks.

Being from Union's, you would think they would still be for the worker or just ripping them off.
we absolutely dont need 457 workers in Melb or Vic for some fabricated skills shortage ...F__king horseshit..

we are proven capable of building anything in this country...we dont need imported labour, plain and simple..

F__K...whats next...."ADF sacks all its personell"!...and brings in 457 imports cause they are more skilled at warfare(been at it longer).
what say you!

Its all just another slap in the face for aussies.....

Pfffft...I spit on your gravy Gina.
Current Labor, Roxon, Combet, Gillard, Thomson, Emerson and Shorten are all ex Union hacks.

Being from Union's, you would think they would still be for the worker or just ripping them off.

But the party just isnt a true "Labour Party"....its just figurehead puppets controlled by minority groups like those bastard green F__CKERS.:rambo:
But the party just isnt a true "Labour Party"....its just figurehead puppets controlled by minority groups like those bastard green F__CKERS.:rambo:

...and those bastard liberal/national/katter/insert political party here F__CKERS :rambo:

They're all in it to see what they can get out of it -- and it'll continue like that till we say enough is enough!

Here's a good read:

Sums up our situation nicely.