Adding 2-Stroke oil to Diesel

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WTF? I didn't think anyone could deviate more from a topic than Krafty but just maybe you have!
WTF? I didn't think anyone could deviate more from a topic than Krafty but just maybe you have!

What do you mean "MAYBE" and here i was thinking i was way :offtopic3:
I know where i went wrong.......... it was the whole trying to poison the little blithers with 2T..... dang!! next time i wont even mention it....... just so there is no confusion.
well maybe we need to keep you busy Jsaon

The mods need to do something around here.

WTF? I didn't think anyone could deviate more from a topic than Krafty but just maybe you have!

It's not as easy as you make out. Anyone can go off topic but going off topic enough to make you react is a skill, after all you don't delete all off topic conversation.

I know where i went wrong.......... it was the whole trying to poison the little blithers with 2T..... dang!!

They are like a diesel engine and thrive on the stuff.
krafty, you keep going on about how theres no proof, fair enough, but then you know exactly which oil to recommend to all and sundry. me thinks you are in the closet with the 2-t. you love it ;)
krafty, you keep going on about how theres no proof, fair enough, but then you know exactly which oil to recommend to all and sundry. me thinks you are in the closet with the 2-t. you love it ;)

Oh I know a lot of things, but I also know the difference between Krankin and Krafty :eviltongue:
So no definitive answer as to why I should switch to castrol T2?

I provided that particular answer in this post.

I only put 300ml in, since I'd done 200km on this tank - there was probably 125L left in the tank so it was a bit more diluted so I wasn't expecting the injectors to shut up quite as much as they did.

In future I'll try half-dosing the car (300ml to 150L).
I provided that particular answer in this post.

sorry mate I am referring to Krankin telling me to switch from the penrite I use to the castrol.

I know you mention the castrol but have you used the penrite? What is the difference in oils and further more what is the difference in the effects?

I am curious why people use the castrol is all and I am also curious as to what effects the different oils will make.

...this might be silly but I use the penrite because all my two stroke tools run best on this oil and I figured it's the best.

If you are referring to my issues on day one, it's an old car and this would be the first time it's ever felt two stroke oil, the source that got me onto it told me the first few days it can be rough(loud) and even messy(smoke) while the spot deposits are clearing up.

Who got you onto the castrol? I am pretty sure the best rated oil (tested in studies and available to Australia) is an outboard two stroke oil.
So no definitive answer as to why I should switch to castrol T2?

well...theres NO definitive reason for anyone to use oil in their fuel in the first place....

use whatever oil you like...Johnsons baby oil prolly gives the same percieved results as any of the victa oils...

I just like Castrol...if you guys want to use Penrite semi all means...

most here have been using Castrol Active 2T with "extroadinary" results, so i recommend Castrol Active 2T.
well...theres NO definitive reason for anyone to use oil in their fuel in the first place....

use whatever oil you like...Johnsons baby oil prolly gives the same percieved results as any of the victa oils...

I just like Castrol...if you guys want to use Penrite semi all means...

most here have been using Castrol Active 2T with "extroadinary" results, so i recommend Castrol Active 2T.

this one^^.

~ But where is the proof? ~
sorry mate I am referring to Krankin telling me to switch from the penrite I use to the castrol.

I know you mention the castrol but have you used the penrite? What is the difference in oils and further more what is the difference in the effects?

I am curious why people use the castrol is all and I am also curious as to what effects the different oils will make.

...this might be silly but I use the penrite because all my two stroke tools run best on this oil and I figured it's the best.

If you are referring to my issues on day one, it's an old car and this would be the first time it's ever felt two stroke oil, the source that got me onto it told me the first few days it can be rough(loud) and even messy(smoke) while the spot deposits are clearing up.

Who got you onto the castrol? I am pretty sure the best rated oil (tested in studies and available to Australia) is an outboard two stroke oil.

I was referring to the same thing.

Castol Activ 2T was chosen by me originally because in the testing that had been done overseas, it was the oil that they had considered the best for the task.

I have used Valvoline 2T but I didn't get the same results. It seemed, in fact, to do nothing at all. Different oils would have different compositions and maybe the Valvoline has less detergent or mixes differently in the diesel so that it loses its lubricity - it's hard to say. It cost me about the same, but I didn't perceive the same benefit as I perceived from the Castrol.

On my current tank of fuel there was a dramatic change (in noise levels), it was quite noticeable. In the previous tank I had put 600ml of 2-stroke (150L tank). I ran the tank nearly empty and filled it with 146L. The injector clatter came back quite strongly.

I drove for about 200km then put 300ml of Activ 2T in and the injectors quietened within about 10-15 seconds.

I might try some of the Penrite stuff and see what happens with it, I've still got about a litre of the Castrol stuff left.

As for the best oil - I'm undecided, but I've only tried a couple, I've done no actual scientific testing and really, Krankin is spot on the money - there is no DEFINITIVE reason to use ANY additive in the fuel. Not one that you can guarantee will work without any issues at all, anyway.

From time to time people will say this or that might be happening and we suggest using something like Chemtech Diesel Power fuel additive or such, but that's because these are commercial products designed to be added to the diesel fuel and there is some avenue by which you could claim repair costs if their additive stuffed your engine up. You can't do that with 2-stroke, and everyone that's done any experimentation here has done it knowing that the risk is theirs.

So despite there being no DEFINITIVE reason, I have PERCEIVED that the Castrol oil is doing something nice for my car, so I'm content to use it. I can't scientifically point to this or that result and provide a guarantee that it will produce results, but I'm satisfied with how it performs so that's good enough for me personally.

I will buy some Penrite and see how that goes. It'll be a while before it gets used - 150L of fuel goes a long, long way (Newcastle to Launceston with 29.1L remaining, to be accurate).
Ok I want to point out that some people are naive to the fact that scientific studies have been done on the subject... There is plenty of market run research but I am talking about the not so bias research done to get true results. I will spend some time tonight and collect a plethora of links that have scientific study backing the two stroke and diesel mix just for these people.

I also want to point out there IS a definitive reason to add two stroke oil to your fuel and if there was no such reason you would be a fool to add it to your tank.

Number one reason is to increase the lubrication that is lost in ultra low sulphur diesel (sulphur acts as the lubricant in diesel) and considering i use only premium diesel my fuel has less lubrication then standard diesel.

Now there are many benefits to having extra lubrication and the questions that arise are, what does this lubrication do exactly? How does it work in our benefit? Does it REALLY work in our benefit?

Old.Tony cheers for clearing that up, I am glad to hear you are basing it on experience and not here-say, I am interested to know all your results with castrol, valvoline, penrite and whatever else you may try. I adore the fact you are direct and don't claim this and that but rather you modestly give your personal experience.

Krankin if you don't have any real experience with two stroke oil mixed with diesel you should probably avoid advising anyone about it. Or at the very least you should mention that your information is just here-say and not tried and tested. If I am stepping over the mark and you DO use oils in your fuel I would like to know why? Especially if you believe there is no reason to do so.

Basically, there IS definitive reasons for adding two stroke oils to fuel, Americans and detroit diesel have been doing it for YEARS before we were introduced to the idea and they didn't make it this far because it had negative effects.

If you use your common sense and a bit of initiative you can find all sorts of information that is peer reviewed and contains non bias results. The larger problem resides with the fact most humans (yes most of YOU) are not intelligent enough (don't get offended) or not motivated enough to seek out the information themselves and make a logical decision as to wether they should use oil or not. If you do what a lot of people have done here and take the risk yourself you may get a healthy surprise (or completely root you car) but that's the initiative that go us E=Mc2 and the steam engine.

My idea to those curious about the subject is to research it yourself, don't listen to the here-say-I-say that the know it alls have for you but rather take in what people have experienced.

On the same note I notice there is a load of "haters" out there.... Then keep you fat fingers away from the return key, we are talking about the potential benefits and/or negatives about adding oils to our fuel and if you have nothing constructive to add then you may as stay away from this thread.

Further more for those haters, I find most of you are skeptical of the idea... Bruce lee struggled to make his films because people were skeptical of his ideas.... I got a billion examples why you shouldn't be skeptical of something you don't know anything about and a million more why you shouldn't bag something because your (lack of) logic tells you it won't work. *end rant*

Back on track:
I know a few people have had bad experiences adding oils to their fuel and I would like to hear them if those people don't mind.

I have learned that older cars have a large amount of soot build up and adding oil can loosen it up and if it comes out too fast it can cause blockages and all sorts. Has anyone experienced this?

I am on day 3 of my first tank (oil mixed) and my car was getting more sluggish and blowing more smoke then ever before... Took it to a diesel mechanic who had it for an hour and said the injectors are blocking up with a spot like substance. I told him about my oil and he called me an idiot (lol) but having diagnosed my problem I can make further observations.

If only I could be arsed typing everything I am thinking on my iPhone...

Pretty sure that is just the old synth/semi-synth v mineral arguement.

I got reamed on here for using the penrite hyper. I went thru a liter of penrite on the fist 4 tanks using 2t. Using shell advance atm.(got a great deal )

Apparently the synth doesnt mix with diesel.

I wanted to do the test and mix some up in a glass jar to see, but never got around to it. Maybe you can do this daz, and post results/pics since you've got some handy and seem to be into it atm?

For the record, I liked the penrite, and reckon the ute went well on it, but the performance, did seem a little up and down, at the time i put this down to the oil not mixing properly, but now after reading that^^ maybe it was just coughing up bong oysters?
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Ok I want to point out that some people are naive to the fact that scientific studies have been done on the subject... There is plenty of market run research but I am talking about the not so bias research done to get true results. I will spend some time tonight and collect a plethora of links that have scientific study backing the two stroke and diesel mix just for these people.

^Oh please do.....

do you really believe what you have just written in your post??? you should proof read before post...and you dare to deny others logic:rofl2:

and I dont want links...

now please show us the studies and undeniable proof that 2T saves our modern navara engines or any engine and boosts power and gives more mileage, and parts the red sea, please.
^Oh please do.....

do you really believe what you have just written in your post??? you should proof read before post...and you dare to deny others logic:rofl2:

Yes, I do. I agree proof read is a good idea but im not writing degree papers I am writing what's on my mind and I try to keep it logical. I ask why you can criticise me for denying others logic when you are denying mine right now and others in previous posts.

and I dont want links...

now please show us the studies and undeniable proof that 2T saves our modern navara engines or any engine and boosts power and gives more mileage, and parts the red sea, please.

You don't want links but you want to see studies?

I never claimed all those benefits. As I mentioned before, from what I have gathered after countless hours of research is that the oil replaces the lubrication lost from low and ultra low sulphur diesel fuels.

Common sense tells us that more lubrication would mean we get those benefits, but some times common sense isn't logical. So I will do my own research and run my own tests, I will post results and if you say that it's not proof of anything that would be ignorant of you wether I said it worked or not. That's not to say take my word for it, you can always do the tests yourself.

Give me time and I'll get links.

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