speeding cyclist

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Mar 25, 2010
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wombat forest
Cyclist caught speeding and fined in a school zone, About time make them respect the road rules, Lost demerit points too:redcool:
Bloody good to see.

What they need to do is put automatic speed cameras in EVERY school zone. The number of times I've seen people speeding in these areas is amazing. And if they aren't a P-plater, they're a bloody middle-aged woman - and reminding them at the next set of lights gets you told off because "you're not the police, fug off I'll do what I want" - even if it can kill a child? They ignore the last question of course.

They just don't think what they're doing is dangerous until they cause some damage or grief that really didn't need to happen. Arrogant assholes.

Cyclists rank highly in that, and it's about time the police started taking measures against them.
Did you read some of the comments in the WA paper?
Some said what harm could a bike do at that speed?
How would a bike know how fast they are going?
Why are the cops picking on him when there are much worse things to look after

special souls over that way for sure
i find this good news, for to long these people get away with no respect for other road users. im a bus driver and only last week one of these morons jumped in front of the bus going between lanes and the driver jammed his brakes on injured 4 people on the bus now he is in the deep brown hole. Seriously bike riders need to be nailed
No problem with a cyclist loosing dermit points for his actions on the road, there should be more of it.

Not sure about other states but in Victoria if you as a passenger is caught without a seatbelt and you are licensed you get the fine, if you're unlicensed the driver gets the fine. Theory being that as a licensed driver you should know better and that an unlicensed driver has nothing to loose therefore the driver should take responsibility (or something like that).

I reckon similar theories applying to cyclists is only fair, obviously if they don't have a drivers license they can't loose points but cop a fine and dermit points where applicable and learn to ride the bike within the rules as far as I'm concerned.
What about a test to give a road license for Cyclists. That way separate road rules could be formed with the interest of the general public's safety. Such as no Cyclists on roads with a speed limit higher than 60KMPH.

I don't ride myself, why would I when there are motorbikes, but I can see that there are some genuine people out there that obey the road rules and respect that they are the smallest force on the road.
They make people sit for a car license and look how many idiots can;t drive properly or follow road rules. Bugger the licenses just fine people out of existence.
Oh FFS - Do we not remember what happened the last time we went on a cyclist bashing rampage?

Everyone needs to obey the road rules - bikes, cars & buses too.

There are good and bad in every camp.

For those advocating bike licenses - do you expect 10yr olds to sit the test too?

And simply holding a license doesn't necessarily mean you are competent at operating what ever it is your licensed to operate - just ask the f^&kwit bus driver who shot through that red light in front of me this morning :rambo:

We're just going round in circles with this shit (i.e. will 265/75/16 fit my ...?) :deadhorse:
Gee no need to get uppity, it was only a few posts (which lets face it you didn't need to reply to if you are so offended by it) the thread is still on topic and contains no where near the crap that was in the other cyclist thread.

And simply holding a license doesn't necessarily mean you are competent at operating what ever it is your licensed to operate - just ask the f^&kwit bus driver who shot through that red light in front of me this morning :rambo:

We can talk about bus drivers if you like though, I mean it is a cyclist thread and such a change could just steer the thread into off topic conversation like the previous thread but bus drivers can be fair game.
Yeah but gay bus drivers caught speeding without a bicycle is for "speeding bus drivers' thread everyone knows that.
There are good and bad in every camp.

I totally agree with that, and while it might be a pain in the ass I think that every 5 years a refresher test should be performed for every type of license. From RE to MC

For those advocating bike licenses - do you expect 10yr olds to sit the test too?

I don't expect 10yr olds to be riding road bike on the road. I expect them to be on BMX bikes on the footpath. I am for a road cycle license with dedicated laws so that the piggys can enforce rules easier to create a safer road environment.
I don't expect 10yr olds to be riding road bike on the road.

I believe in some states that is illegal, the only people allowed to ride bikes on the footpath are posties. Stupid ruling I know especially given most of us probably learnt to ride bikes of the footpath but I'm sure atleast one of the states has the rule they just don't enforce it with an iron fist. Idea being the a footpath is for foot traffic not bikes no matter what age and remembering back to my childhood and the way we used to ride bikes I can't say i disagree :big_smile:
I believe in some states that is illegal, the only people allowed to ride bikes on the footpath are posties. Stupid ruling I know especially given most of us probably learnt to ride bikes of the footpath but I'm sure atleast one of the states has the rule they just don't enforce it with an iron fist. Idea being the a footpath is for foot traffic not bikes no matter what age and remembering back to my childhood and the way we used to ride bikes I can't say i disagree :big_smile:

I think that might be us, QLD the backward state haha.
But then how many 10 year olds do you know that are actually concerned with the law. For the older populace that ride mountain bikes on the footpath they would have to be extremely unlucky to get a cop that actually picks them for it.
Yeah I'm fairly sure the only time anyone's ever been done for such a thing would be if the coppers actually saw them being a menace on the footpath. It's like when they brought helmet laws into Victoria, the coppers were to busy doing their real job to bust every kid riding past without a helmet, if the kid was doing something dangerous they might cop a fine but just riding down the footpath without a helmet rarely got anyone in the shit. Now days with the number of teens on BMX's without helmets I'm not even sure the current batch of coppers know there is a helmet law.
In NSW children under 12 years of age are allowed to use the footpaths. Adults who are riding with C<12 are also allowed to ride with them on the footpath. Children > 12 and adults are supposed to use the road or shared path/cycle ways.

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