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Mount Nelson Track (Polblue -> Chichester) has been permanently closed, there are NO tracks through to Dungog from there. Use Stroud Hill Rd south of Gloucester.

a quick look on google earth shows plenty of ways and plenty of detours
and i have just got off the phone to npws gloucester and they say the main forest road from polblue to dungog is OPEN and feel free to drop in and get a map on your way through
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So im guessing there is some National park involved, are you allowed to have a dog in the back of the ute if they stay chained in there?
mate ime takin my dog i really dont care what the rangers say
as long as he is in my car and under my control i dont see a problem for a day trip
TO CLARIFY the meeting place
MACCAS HEATHERBRAE( not raymond terrace maccas sorry)
chanell 16 uhf
see ya there
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a quick look on google earth shows plenty of ways and plenty of detours
and i have just got off the phone to npws gloucester and they say the main forest road from polblue to dungog is OPEN and feel free to drop in and get a map on your way through

Matt from that office told me that the road was closed and would NEVER be reopened! I wonder if they know what they're talking about.

Are they talking about driving tracks or walking tracks?

I can't go tomorrow, got a family thing on. I could go Sunday.
On the subject of dogs - it is not only NPWS territory, it's got a World Heritage listing so they can be totally anal about it.

Beats the shit out of me. A chained dog isn't going to do anything to the local wildlife (and we've seen roos up there in the daytime).

There are picnic tables with seating - you don't NEED to take folding chairs. Take really warm clothing plus recovery gear, if the road gets icy you might need it.
i cant make it would have enjoyed a nice drive up there but the little fella has footy on so will have to wait till next time
Sweet, well I'm here and early as usual. fuck my timing is bad haha I'll grab a fed and wait for yas
What if it were on Sunday?

Sorry Tony, Im all booked out sunday. Going downhill mtb at Ourimbah.
Might be good if these guys find a couple of good camping spots up there somewhere. Id like to do a whole weekend trip soon. I should be getting a snorkel sorted in the next couple of weeks too so river crossing will be on the list.
Might be good if these guys find a couple of good camping spots up there somewhere. .

If you want facilities, there are a number of camping spots in the national parks up there. it just depends on how cold you want it. Just make sure you take a few crates of firewood, unless you have a permit for firewood collection(?) in the state forests. Otherwise, plenty of old log dumps you could camp by, but ground could be rough.


I'm with Tony on the "mythical" road up from Dungog, unless they have the grind up from the Allyn River open for some reason.

From the East, you come in from Gloucester(unless you dead end into Gloucester Tops). From the west you come in from Scone(or NW Tamworth/nundle).

From Dungog and Maitland, the route comes together at what I knew as the Allyn River Forest Park, which I think is confusingly called Teleghery Forest Western Division(?) now <as opposed to the Chichester/Eastern part>. At one stage, you could drive up that ridge, but I haven't heard of it being allowed recently. You can drive out (summer 4WD only)a fair way towards Mt Royal, when you are on The Tops.

Also, I think a lot of that area on top is now Phytophera affected and you can not even walk through it.< from map, looks like road outside it>

Bottom line suggestion, nominate a weekend and aim for Polblue($10&$5 /head/night) and also nominate a fall back campsite(Gloucester river?) if the road over the tops is closed.

Once there, go exploring. that is what we did for a week in January. You can drive a standard car to Polblue.