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Well ordered my cooler today on a 6 week waiting list. But atleast it's ordered
Dont like your chances for Saturday, which is quite ironic. Because if it keeps raining i might have been able to go cause work will be quiet. Oh well...
I grew up in Westy (partly grew up), i wouldn't mind driving a few tracks around that area. Out the back of Seahampton are the old train tunnels that are fairly interesting but tracks can also be a bit treacherous (has been a few years since i was last out there). There's also the Killingworth loop, but there's no way i'm taking my Nav down there after this much rain.

The rain should hopefully clear by Saturday

sounds good andrew
Your call Sparra, I only know of the Killingworth Loop and seen videos of it. Seahampton tracks are a little hazy to me i cant tell you how good or bad they get after the first tunnel.

We could go play up the side of the Paintball place at Cooranbong and around that area before finding our way onto Sugarloaf Range Rd to get back to Mount Sugarloaf picnic area.

Your call mate i've driven most of these tracks but always followed people so parts of them i don't remember that well.
hopefully the weather will be ok for a beach run
if not ime sure we can find somewhere for a play
paintball hill is a handfull when wet deep ruts but plenty of winch points
theres good tracks everywhere up that way (powerlines?)
how bout we make a decision fri arvo
beach run meet at servo @ 10
or bush drive meet at edgeworth maccas @10 ?
i really dont care where we go but a meet up and drive is way overdue
ile bring the little gas bbq thingy so we can cook some snags for lunch
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As Sparra knows, we've had a hot water system blow up and it seems that plumbers are few and far between up the valley ... so I have to pick up the hot water system tomorrow and ferry it up myself on Saturday, and arrange the electrician as well.

Yeehaw for country living. Just as well there are public toilets around the place, if your dunny backed up you'd be in trouble.
That's sucks tony,

nice weather today let's hope it stays this way for tomorrow
I will be there, channel 21.

Not sure about Brian and his Territory yet, he hasn't arrived home for the night yet.
brad if we do go we should be there at 10 they have just called the footy off so that will make it another d22
I'll be there about 930, who should I look out for seeing as this is my first time out...
Blacknav said:
Black over Silver D22 with canopy, no bullbar. Should be closely followed by a white Territory.

Ok will do and I'll be on channel 21 just in case lol you'll know who I am due to my user name being my number plates lol
Crap, how is one D40 going to tow four D22's roflmao…
Nah we'll be ok, we'll just have too push the toymotors into the sea out of our way lol…