Just had the Truck in at the dealerships

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As far as am aware it is 100% legal to operate a recording device inside your own vehicle as there is no expectation of privacy inside a vehicle you do not own.it would be different if it was used to trap someone but in this case it was doing exactly what it was designed to do and record activity while the vehicle is in use.
Just cos it caught out a pair of tards is pure bonus

You're right in what you say.

I'm just thinking from the, in which way/ways is it legal to use against someone.
Even the police would tell you the answer roughly if you didn't want to ask a legal rep.

I have the blackvue myself, so ill have to ask the question one day.
You don't want some turd able to sue you because you didn't know.
I have enough on my plate legally trying to work out settlement with the ex so the last thing I need is more legal battles.
Not like I have said any names or made any accusations, I have only put in words what is heard on the recording. If I was accusing someone and relying on the recording that might be different but as for now its just down to how the dealership will react to what is just voices on an audio track. How they react will make the difference especially seeing they know only too well I took the parent company to court so they know I dont go away easy .It could be they make me sign a disclaimer etc but hopefully all that legal crap wont come in to play and it will get sorted out professionally and quickly
There is privacy laws in place that prevent disclosure to people when there is impending action or a offense has occurred and it may go to court in your situation a/f you simply had your camera rolling in your own personal car and found them out at this stage your now previous dealer has a reason to be very worried
Shit Ill be out of dealerships then lol The other dealership banished me when I bought the truck from someone else so I only go there when I want to piss them off but not really want the work completed anyway lol
It's no different to someone breaking into your car is it?
Why was there 2 people in it it's clearly not in the carwash and they are waiting to get out.
If it wasn't a dealership what course of action would you take?
At the end of the day its not exactly breaking and entering as you give the dealership access to your car when you drop it off. However it is theft even though only minor items.cant find the screwdriver one talks about either so am guessing one got a Sharpie and the other a screwdriver. Its just misuse of trust and theft .If the dealership wishes to ignore it then am sure the media and the popo will have fun with it especially seeing we actually see one of the morons in front of the truck
Yep, thanks to this thread i just bought a Uniden IGO 820 dual in-car camera!! Lets see them steal money from my ashtray again.
my problem should this of happened to me is that if the 2 tits in question only got a wrist slap then this kinda gives the wrong signal out that this behaviour is kinda acceptable because in my opinion they did not take the offence serious enough.

the nissan dealers scratched my nav putting the hard cover on before i even took delivery of it and weren't interested, then when it went in for the free service/levels check they scratched all the way down the tub on drivers side i went straight back in and saw the manager and complained and honestly he didn't give 2 shits, it annoyed me so badly, didn't even pretend to be sympathetic, so if the cock in question who scratched my truck never got anything said to him/them they are never going to take anymore care or have anymore respect to other peoples property/belongings.

thats my 2 pence worth anyhow, but i respect what navara frontier has said regarding his personal circumstances.
Play the what are you going to do for me card. Otherwise a current affair is on speed dial and I have proof!..
Take in a recorder also, and before you say anything say.
"For purposes of training im recording this conversation".
If you do you must announce that its is being recorded other wise wont hold up in court.

Stuff them, very Rearly do you find honest people anymore! IMO Screw them over and get what you can!
Ok I spoke with Anthony from the Dealership today. There was some issues actually opening the files but I think we got that sorted.
In short Anthony basically said they know the penalty for stealing and this will justy seal the deal so to speak. They will more than likely be given an offer of confess and be let go or the Police will be called and they will deal with it after they have been let go. They took it very seriously and will act accordingly.
I will call back tomorrow to hear the latest.I know some wanted me to go for blood but at the end of the day the dealerships will look after themselves first and staff and easy to replace when they are no longer fit for purpose.
I think that's the right outcome mate. I know which type of person I would prefer in my vehicle.
Good on you Paul for taking the moral high ground. Just report it and then let them deal with it. HOW they deal with it determines whether they get your return business or not.

Unfortunately the mob in Belco are probably worse!
if anyone is interested i have a contact that can grab us dash cams. I have one in my street car i have also sold 20 or so in groups buys for other forums that im on in the performance world and i could use another one

if you guys are keen let me know :)

on a side note man im glad you are getting this sorted out

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