Alloy rim recall - anyone heard anything?

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Goes something like this.
"Cheers C&$t, I'll see you next service for some more bad news."
Hi. Has anyone heard whether the roll-out for replacement D40 alloy rims has started yet? or when it is meant to occur?

I checked with my local Nissan dealer in November - they basically shrugged their shoulders and were not helpful at all. Cheers

i got a letter the other day but i heard about it in july
Geez FB must have had a bad day at work yesterday, he's not usually so supportive of Nissan dealerships!
Haha I had not thought of that... I just assumed that the wheel would be supplied as an assembly rather than the rim being a separate part to the centre cap..

oh wells... I am looking forward to mine being replaced mainly because its easier than cleaning the wheels... going in tomorrow.
i hear ya.. on sunday i cleaned the entire car EXCEPT for the rims i thought that nissan should do some of it
jimmy_jay89 said:
i hear ya.. on sunday i cleaned the entire car EXCEPT for the rims i thought that nissan should do some of it

That's just childish....
Hmm last week you'd have said "throw more mud on them and make the bastards work", what's happened have they offered you you're old job back? :big_smile:
That affects the technicians... Not their fault they have to
Change them :)
This is true, in some places.. They're just young blokes doing their job though.
Yeah that's true enough, I wouldn't do that sort of thing to my rims if they were being recalled. I wouldn't bother washing the ute at all, may still be dirty but atleast the techs can see their hands are getting dirty due to laziness not bastardry.
Exactly my point... Laziness Is fine by me. Doing purposeful things to the little guy just to spite someone is just child's play.
for me its laziness... I have sprayed the wheels when I have cleaned it.. I have just not got down and scrubbed all of the brake dust off them like I normally would have.

It is in with them today, glad to finally have this wheel recall over and done with.

I am not sure if this is standard for all dealerships, but when I rocked up at 0730 (opening time) there were 5 other blokes with D40's in for the wheel recall... Appears they are having a 'wheel recall day' every week to isolate the time that the apprentices spend changing D40 wheels?


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