Wish me luck

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Hey boosted..........he got caught with zip ties, peanut butter and glad wrap while hanging around a campsite..........just kidding - that's a bit of a VNOG joke.

He'll fill you in when he gets back online, although I think he covers it in his ride thread.

No worries, I know it can be pretty daunting going to court even for a small offence (Pullin a one legger in front of a candy car) so all the best to him!
Hey boosted..........he got caught with zip ties, peanut butter and glad wrap while hanging around a campsite..........just kidding - that's a bit of a VNOG joke.

He'll fill you in when he gets back online, although I think he covers it in his ride thread.


he actually mentioned the peanut butter incident the other morning when he crashed here
my little dog ( a 12y/old mini foxy) runs whenever he see's scotty and i cant find my jar of peanut butter ?? i thought he was joking :confused:
Thanks for the support guys.Things are looking good so far as they were all brought undone in court yesterday lieing through there teeth.Every one of there stories was different and not 1 of them kept to there original statement.Its not over yet as I have to go in at 12.00 and wait to see if she will finish the case today and not adjourn it untill the 16th like she was going to do yesterday.
Hopefully today it is all done and dusted and I can get on with my life.I have to go home and try and save my marriage now because she left me as I was walking out the door.If its not one thing its a bloody nother but all I can do now is try and fix it and If I cant work shit out from there.I just wish this run of bad luck would fuck right off.The shit I have been through in the last 2 years I wouldn't wish apon my worst enemy.Thanks again guys and I will keep you posted on the result and looking forward to the high country trip with Kendall on the week end.
Gees they sound like tossers Scott, you should be fine. If they are making things up in court, then they by rights their case should be thrown out, they sound a bit dodgy.
Thanks for the support guys.Things are looking good so far as they were all brought undone in court yesterday lieing through there teeth.Every one of there stories was different and not 1 of them kept to there original statement.Its not over yet as I have to go in at 12.00 and wait to see if she will finish the case today and not adjourn it untill the 16th like she was going to do yesterday.
Hopefully today it is all done and dusted and I can get on with my life.I have to go home and try and save my marriage now because she left me as I was walking out the door.If its not one thing its a bloody nother but all I can do now is try and fix it and If I cant work shit out from there.I just wish this run of bad luck would fuck right off.The shit I have been through in the last 2 years I wouldn't wish apon my worst enemy.Thanks again guys and I will keep you posted on the result and looking forward to the high country trip with Kendall on the week end.

G,day Scotty,

Been their done that (3 times) mate!

The last assault charge was the reason why I retired from the night club industry. My court case took 2 years and cost me $10,000.00. It caused me many sleepless nights and put massive pressure on my marriage. I lost friendships. I even doubted myself as a human being.

At my committal hearing, Magistrate Ian Von Einem said the matter had to go to the County Court due to the length of time the (scrote) was hospitalised. That meant Judge and Jury scenario and I was looking at 5 years, all for gangster slapping a shit-bag.

Luckily for me, the shit-bag had been charge for a series of assaults and robberies that occurred over the two years, whilst I was waiting for trail. During my 4 day trial, the shit-bags version of events and that of his so called scumbag witnesses changed so often, that the judge dismissed the case. However, even though I was proven not guilty, it still cost me $10,000.00. That’s equivalent to (Winch, bull-bar, side steps, suspension, diff-locks front and rear, fridge) or (300 cartons of piss, 60 bottles of either blue label Johnny Walker scotch or 200 bottles of Jack Daniels)

That’s, the reason why, I left Melbourne back in 1997, because I had difficulties dealing with scrote’s and squeezers in big cities. I am at ease and at peace with myself living in small country towns surrounded by positive people.

PS, When this crap is out of your life (like today or tomorrow)! If you ever decide to venture for a holiday in the Coffs region, look me up, I show you some fantastic off road tracks and magnificent camp spots.

Hang loose mon-goose!


hi all
i wasnt able to be at court with scotty today but we have had several phone calls during the day, the last being about 1/2 hr ago
he has asked me to update you all
unfortunatly scotty was found guilty on most charges
i sat through court with him yesterday and am very suprised with the magistrates decision
he has been sentenced to a 12 mth suspended sentence and has been disqualified from driving for three years
at least he is a free man
personally i think he has been treated harshly by the courts,with the evidence i heard yesterday he should have been given a slap on the wrist and sent on his way
i have taken the day off work tomorrow and will get him and his hire car to the airport for his 1pm flight home
he will need the support of his close friends when he gets home,which ime sure he will get
its been an absolute pleasure meeting and getting to know scotty
keep your chin up big fella, things will get better
all the best mate and i will see you at the muster
FOR F%$cks SAKE!! Damn evil mongrels that get pissed as maggots and KILL someone while driving get way less than 3 years loss of licence. The suspended sentence thats ok, as you know you will be fine in that regard mate. Not driving the Nav for that period of time, will be extremely hard.

But, that doesn't stop you being a passenger. Any appeals forthcoming on the licence suspension?

Hang in there, we're all here for you at any time, day/night.:cheers!:
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That's wrong. All the best scotty. As ray asked any chance on early clear of the licence thing? Along as he doesn't drive it on the road. Someone can drive it to the bush then he can jump in the drivers seat, but that still sucks. Don't let this pull u down buddy, keep ur head up and keep pushing on.
That really is wrong. But hey at least you are a free man. Sucks about the license though.

I must admit, you can still drive on private property, so a few trips will certainly be needed to keep you going.

Good luck getting home and dealing with the wife.
The world is a shit place. But at least we've still got the big fella with us.
Scotty, anything I can do mate let us know. Happy to play taxi driver for you!
Pretty ordinary, 3 years is a bloody long time to be unable to drive. Do you have to appeal there or can you do that in Victoria? I reckon you could swallow 6 mths but 3 years is harsh. Do they offer a chance to drive for work as they do with drink driving? Things will turn around Scotty, they always do.
fuck thats bullshit, im only a phone call away scotty anything you need mate let me know.

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