Where Is Dave?

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Where Is Our Exalted Leader

  • Laying on the side of the road

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Finally found a forum on which he can vent all his fear & loathing regarding (insert current target of Alan Jones' & Andrew Bolt's hatred here)! Guess that includes D40's too.
Crap I should have added a poll option for

"Off chasing immigrants and gay people off our shores" :sarcastic:
He's probably out partying as today most have finished work for the year by now, although i don't think he could ever live down locking himself in an exchange!
He reckons he's been sick but lets not let that get in the way of a good shit stir. Maybe his problem has been that he hasn't been drinking enough.
he cant be doing any telstra work...they have an embargo that stops works from a week ago till after xmas sometime

i reckon he's shacked up with some floozy....good luck Dave
The actual poll was only because the forum was missing something without Dave's weekly poll and I couldn't come up with anything as controversial as Dave because I don't watch the news services with as much interest as he does.

God help us if he really has been sick he'd probably been boning up on everything news worthy and there will be 10 polls the minute he comes back.
His Christmas better be the same time as everyone else's or next thing you know we will be asked to celebrate God Dave's birthday and resurrection.

Although another few public holidays towards the end of the year would be nice us Victorian's only get Cup Day and the Queens birthday from June to Chrissie. So come on Dave lets see your resurrection....as opposed to anything else ending in "ection"
He's probably out partying as today most have finished work for the year by now, although i don't think he could ever live down locking himself in an exchange!

Had a Cold, also was doing 2 people's worth of work.

So felt like I was locked in a exchange or 2.

Did 14 hours thursday night, on a good note I did 2.5 hours at New Lambton and made $500 in those 2.5 hours.

Did alright with the rest to.

He reckons he's been sick but lets not let that get in the way of a good shit stir. Maybe his problem has been that he hasn't been drinking enough.

Alcohol kills anything, if I had the spare time to be able to sober up after drinking. I would of had a few, but alcohol has the effect of cutting motivation.

maybe a d40 owner ran him down on the side of the road because they were jealous of how superior the d22s are??

There was a Blue D40 stalking me, we all know Krafty really wants a D22.

The man does have taste apparently.

he cant be doing any telstra work...they have an embargo that stops works from a week ago till after xmas sometime

i reckon he's shacked up with some floozy....good luck Dave

Maybe Telstra employees, didn't even know about it. But then again, most Telstra employees will find any excuse to slack off.

Oh and I was at a chicks house for 2 nights, getting sick of her as she is to needy.

I haven't got time to see someone everyday.