Tackling the stereo area.

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Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
Gold Coast,Aust.
Hi all.

I had trouble finding much info on how to remove the stereo from my 2007 STX.

My stereo had been replaced with a pioneer Bluetooth job which I hated and so was replacing it with a unit from my patrol.
It's a single din like the pioneer but it's a Sony and holds the ipod inside the unit on a shelf.

Anyway I could not find how to remove the facia surround and so thru trial and error got it off.It goes a bit like this.

You will basically need a flat screwdriver about 4-5 inches long(medium size) and a Phillips head s/d.

1>remove the tray thingy on the top of the dash above the stereo
Not so easy when you don't know exactly how it is fixed though.
There are two clips on the sides that are about an inch from the front.
Get your flat s/d and wedge it under there gently and "massage" it up one side at a time till they let go.

2>undo the 3 screws that you see under that piece removed.

3>Now right where the ciggy lighter is you will see where the facia panel finishes above it with a turned down bit which is duplicated on the opposite side also.(your 4wd engagement nobbs inbetween).
On the very bottom edge there is a clip also hidden behind there. so as above you need to gently push a ftattip s/d in there and massage outwards and the same on the other side.

4>Now at the top of that facia panel where it meets the top of the dash on the left and right side there are another 2 clips.
If you look close enuff up under each corner you will just be able to see the (a silvery alloy clip thingy).
Ok at this point I grabbed my WD-40 with the long nozzle and gave them a little spray(u may need to bend the nozzle to get the spot(clip)

Now get your flat s/d and gently wedge under each corner and pop the corners up.The oil makes a big difference on these.

5>Remove some of the plugs for A/C and your on your way.

Quick Tip....spray a little oil on the clips before putting back together just for the future removal.Might help them come out a little easier if need be.

Once all this shit was done I found that the plugs for my stereo were different to what is in the car so I guess i'll have to find a harness to suit...any ideas where to get one??

Hope this helps someone!


I know pics would have helped but I cant find the camera..sorry:blasign::pissedoff:
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