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Go Cowboys!

I am off to twin waters for the weekend. Can't wait. Might be a little cool in the lagoon though but I will manage.
Snowboarding at Falls creek for me this weekend.Having a few whisky's now in my motel room at Tawonga south waiting for the real footy to start.
Well my cooking hasn't killed me yet and the kids reckon I'm doing OK, can't wait for the main cook to come home!
Took the sprats for a run up to Wauchope for the Caravan, Camping, 4WD, Fish & Boat Show this afternoon. Was a good afternoon, the shows not as big as the Maitland one but had all the right ingredients. I really enjoyed the ramp demo at the ARB stand, hearing the gasps and gaws when the Hilux lifted the rear wheel was worth the whole trip. Of course it doesn't look so bad from the drivers seat :big_smile:
Had a great few weeks with work. Doing different stuff at the moment so the days seem to fly past even with 12 or 13 hours passing.
Waiting for the wife to drop the second kid at the moment to so thats always an interesting time...
Best of luck with the new arrival, Navara_cruz.

Encountered a Main Roads 'rolling roadblock' for the first time on the M1 near Gaven on Friday, I was up on the Coast for work, and I thought it was a great idea. Four RoadTek vehicles, one blocking each lane, drove at 40-70km/h to slow the traffic. I'm guessing there was a cardboard box or a hubcap or something up ahead that they needed time to clear, that's all it takes to create havoc on that road, but two cars caught behind the roadblock felt it necessary to honk their horns and make gestures. WTF, they're Main Roads vehicles, with flashing amber lights, and signs on the back that say Road Hazard Ahead, Do Not Overtake, they're working to get the road flowing smoothly again, but you reckon they're holding you up?? Some people need to be castrated to save humanity. Or at least un-enrolled to vote.

It gets worse though, once the roadblock peeled off into the left lane, some moron tears past one of the hiluxes, pulls in front of him, and stomps on the anchors from 110 to 40km/h, trying to replicate the roadblock. You have to be real thick to do that to a QT vehicle.

Here's hoping he gets a summons to appear in court in the mail...
Anyone else think to themselves when driving next to a B-double I wish my turbo sounded like that.

Was driving tonight next to a Careys Frieght lines B-double and that what made me think.

Love that sound.

Anyone else think to themselves when driving next to a B-double I wish my turbo sounded like that.

Heck yes. When the old man got his F250, the most noticeable sound when you first drove it was the big turbo whistle. The big rigs are another step again.

The old nav just passed 300k, so were havin a scotch to celebrate.:beer:
Haha, congrats to you and the Navara. Cheers!

I just got promoted in my second job. Hooray for me.
The local CFA's new support vehicle was just parked across the road from my place.

It's a white RX diesel twin cab, ARB steel bullbar, lift kit, driving lights, LED strobes on the roof, snorkel, CFA decals etc. Apparently it's getting a service back fitted eventually.

Spewin' I didn't grab the camera.
last nights fun:

was around 5 past midnight and mum told me she saw people in the driveway. got up only to find 3 boongs around my car and the front looking to steal shit. they picked up a milk crate and headed to the right, and the other 2 headed to the left. called security asap and in the 3min it took them to come round they smashed some guys commodore parked on the side of the road and i could hear them trying to hotwire it. guessing they took the crate to take all the stuff they ripped out of the car. security came and they ran like the shit they are! had a talk to the guy and he called for back up to patrol around and soon the cops were by to sort out the vehicle that was smashed. i got my milk crate back and the security guys thanked me for giving them the call as now they got some targets to go after.

pretty good job by them, 3min for them to get to my place!

so if you live in perth, watch out for a boong with a baseball cap (black i think) and a red jacket or shirt, keep an eye on him. the others had dark clothing so couldnt tell what exactly they wore. edit. and this was in bullcreek/leeming, south of the river
That's no good mate.

You have security for your house? Do you live in a gated community or something?

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