Pleased to Meet You Scottybobcat!

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Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
Munruben, Sth of Brissie
Well I had a "work from home" day today while the work Camry was getting a service. Had a call from Scott while he is up in sunny Qld for a few weeks hols, and he came around to visit with a nice cold 6 pack in hand. :cheers!:

I've go to say, what a top bloke. Pity his V8 Nav is still away being worked on, but the SS Commodore he drove up from Vic is quite nice anyway. After chatting about Navs and trawling the forums etc for a while, we were out in the backyard and I pointed out a few trees I have planned to cut down, (too close the our new pool).

So what does Scott say, grab your chainsaw and a long rope, we'll do it now. One tree was a 14 year old Silky Oak, around 40 feet tall I guess, Scotts up in it tying the rope, other end attached to the Nav, cut cut, pull, cut and down it comes. (He was out of the tree by then :sarcastic:) The 2 smaller paperbarks came down pretty quick as well. He can wield a chainsaw with one hand pretty well while up in a tree I can tell ya.

So it was a good arvo, sorry you had to leave covered in sawdust mate, but we certainly appreciate your help in taking care of a problem for us.

So yep, as I said, a top bloke, great to catch up, and hopefully your Nav will be ready soon! :rock:
That's what I found so amusing about that American forum business. Scott looks every inch the "just shut up and do it" kinda person, no bullshitting around, just get the job done, and those arty-farty "I must call Carsson Kressley for advice (and maybe some extra lube) before I change my Frontier's tyres" Americans just don't seem to understand it.

And wielding a chainsaw in one hand ... it's a little dangerous, but then Scott isn't exactly unskilled and he's not a small lad either!
True that Tony. The yanks would be running for their therapists if Scott went over to show them how things are done, :sarcastic:

Yeah, there was no problem with the chainsaw, he holds onto it like I hold onto a knife or fork, and I'm sure he could spin it on the tip of his fingers if he wanted to :big_smile: Thanks again mate :cheers!:

I have a weekend of cutting up trees to do now!
hmmm ... cant wait for him to come back to melbourne - my father in law has a 20 year old gum tree HE wants taken down - and i want it for fire wood ...

Hurry Back Scotty ....

Melbourne showtime in 2 weeks Woody just go to the wood chopping pavilion and see who needs practice, I know of several guys that will be there and definitely need the practice with a racing axe and the tree felling event.
Good to hear stories like this, and that the forum is making pals interstate. Sounds to me like Scotty is straight up decent bloke with a no nonsense attitude. Hard type of person to find these days, especially ones that have chainsaw skills too! :fans:
I have talked to Scott a few times on the phone but haven't caught up with him yet but will in early october, bloody nice bloke.

I'm flattered guys Thanks and to have a thread posted just about me.Gee's I feal all warm and fuzzy inside The Nav will be ready early next week so I'm tossing up and looking at flights to go and pick it up and bring back up to Maroochydore so might catch up next week,if not early Oct
If you do pick up the Nav before your holidays are over Scott, I'll be driving up to Maroochy to see it. As will I think, Jason, Matt, SilverNav, RustyNav.......:sarcastic:

Hoo Roo