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good morning nathan
i will select 2wd low if i need to
can you?? :reddy::ha:

Yeah i can select 2wd low......................... i just need to remove my entire front diff before i leave home........ no biggy:happy_smile:

Maybe i should design a "quick release" front drive shaft to speed things up a little:rofl2:
4000 rpm
Dump clutch on tar in 4 low
Job done
What time r u planning on gettin there on thurs?
We will be there bout 11am
I'll give ya a call wed arvo and see where u. Are
4000 rpm
Dump clutch on tar in 4 low
Job done
What time r u planning on gettin there on thurs?
We will be there bout 11am
I'll give ya a call wed arvo and see where u. Are

Mate if it ok i wouldnt mind meeting up with you fellas at Tenterfeild or something like that on thursday morning.
My sisters farm has no ph service so i will have to ring you from her landline wednesday night and work out a time and meeting spot
went for a drive today and spoke to brad and tony
tony is leaving late wed arvo and plans to make it to approx 9 ks north of glen innes
theres a good spot off the road for an overnight stop
i think i have convinced brad to come the new england
if thats the case we will probably stop and wait for tony and all leave in morning?
with my slow slug and brad needing to stop and feed bubs ect we will have an easy days drive to get to tonys resting place just past yarrowford road
i hope we can get an early start thurs am
its 240 ks from o/nite spot to janowen 3.5 hrs max
we should reach tenterfield by 8.30 ish am i would imagine,we want to hit janowen b4 lunch
will you be joining hwy at glenn or tenterfield
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I will come through "Emmaville" onto the New England Hwy at "Deep Water", so i could meet there or further north at "Tenterfield"
Yep, West Wyalong and I think it's Gilgandra???

Still not sure if I can make it, hopefully find out in the next few weeks.
Yeh, me too. It'd be great to catch up with some and meet others I haven't met before, plus I'm overdue for a break.
Sometimes you just have to say that's enough
Ime takin a break
Deal with the issues when I return
Ime seeing work doc today to discuss my return to work
I refuse to let my return interfere with muster
We have had a horrible 6 mths,missed the cape trip
My Mrs is doing 8 and 9 days straight at work to try and suppliment what I am loosing in my wages
We WILL be there
Cause we deserve a break
Hope you can make it
Had a spike in interest on the Aussie 4wd Navara page today, few stating they might come.
How many are we up to?
Is the Nissan rep coming?
Other reps are tough toys, zordo, diesel something or other? Others?
Brad - we steered away from Reps coming, incl Nissan (all Nissan wanted to supply was a ute for us to show off - well we already have utes so no point on that one).

- Tough Toys are coming.
- Superior Engineering aren't replying to my emails asking if they are coming (but they are still giving us D40 UCA as a prize)
- Zordo is not on board for this as he is too small a rep....

Its about owners talking with other owners and not having to buy stuff. If people would like Reps, they can go to the 4WD and Camping expos where they have the big stalls etc :)

I know Zordo's not really a rep, but I thought he was coming and his is a big part of this forum and has helped a lot of people on here, including me.
I was told that one of the diesel chip companies was coming put can't remember who, think it might be who Linzy went to work for.
Know Tough Toys is coming.
I asked Zordo and he helped me out 2 ties too. Was happy not to come along

No Chip company is coming officially (they haven't provided anything so nope on that front). If he has a Nav and pays up like everyone else then sweet.

All the official sponsors are on the Sponsors page on and no one else coming along as far as I know


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