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I think that's the problem I am struggling with Tony - that there is such little exposure to this at the moment, there is very little in the way of analysis - both positive and contrary. Kinda makes it difficult for the average person to make an informed decision.

So this referendum is going to cost us quite a few million $, yet our elected "leaders" have not ordained it necessary to start the public debate on what we are supposed to vote on. Maybe because there are no votes in it for them....

The media issue is an important one, since that's how we hear most of it.

Many people are up in arms about everything Labor does because the media hates Labor - especially since Labor suggested the "political officer" idea. As a result, most of the shit spouted by the media is anti-Labor. It might not all be pro-Liberal, but they're taking every opportunity to paint Labor in as poor a light as possible.

If the referendum is to decide something that would be advantageous to Australia, as a result of Labor's proposal, I can't see any of the media moguls doing much to discuss or promote it. The media sucks like that.

The unfortunate side-effect is that the very people that would be shit all over by a Liberal government are led to believe that the Libs would be best placed to run the country.

It's clever media. Tony Abbott knows that calling it a "big new tax" sensationalises it and even the hard-working Aussies watching in the pub will react because he and his spin doctors know that NOBODY likes taxes. The result: everybody hates it. The thing is, it's not a bloody tax - it's a PRICE on the emissions, which will lead to an Emission Trading Scheme similar to schemes already operating in other countries. Australia isn't leading the world in the idea of an ETS, but it sure as hell has the media running a sideshow that makes it look like the current government is trying to rape every man woman and child (when that task is actually the responsibility of the church).

I don't like the way the media does things, but trouble is no matter which way things are done, someone's going to find fault or complain.

So I guess in the end we may only get the necessary debate right near the end of the campaign. If it starts earlier, it'll be because someone saw that it wouldn't look good for the media!

I have no frigging idea as to what they are one about and neither do they. The "paper" reads like the ramblings of a drunk, drug crazed idiot with permanant brain damage. Plus they have SFA clue about early Australian history.

if you really want a clue about the penal colony established in NSW(aka eastern Australia, aka NSw, Qld & Vic), then read Eric Rolls' A Million Wild Acres".
new taxes:

did Alan tell you this or did you find this yourself?

1. Alcopops tax.
What alcohol isn't taxed?
If you want to drink, get off your face and not be responsibl for your actions, then screw you to pay for the vandalism and damage you do. It is just catching up on something that should have been taxed in the first place.
2. New tax on Australians working overseas.
What new tax? It has always been there. What did they change?
3. Cutting what Australians can put into superannuation tax-free.
Oh wow, how many Australians does this affect?

Massive super deductions are a massive windfall for the rich that are paid for by ordinary Australian workers.
4. Restrictions on business losses.

Genuine businesses wouldn't be affected. It will just catch scams.

5. Changes to Employee Share Scheme.

Closing an old loop hole for the upper paid.

6. Cigarette tax hike of 25%.

Fsck, it that all. Should have been higher.

7. The Mining tax.

that you find this wrong just beggars disbelief. so you think anyone should be able to sell of parts of Australia without any restrictions? doesn't this conflict with other your other posts on bits of Australia being sold off overseas?

8. Ethanol taxation increases.

Well, it is subsidised now. so why shouldn't it get hit with the same taxes as other fuels? . Wow, this one says you are a closet green

9. LPG excise increase.

Why not? It s just another fuel. Doesn't this bring it up to parity with all the others?

10. Tightening restrictions on medical expenses before you can claim them on tax.

Do you have a point or just whinging?

11. Increase in luxury car tax.

Removing an old special deal that advantaged the rich. what is the benefit to giving someone a massive tax deduction for borrowing an expensive overseas car?

12. Flood tax.

You'll now doubt benefit from it as it gets roads throughout the nation repaired far quicker that being funded by local councils. It is going to be permanent?

13. Tax increase on company cars.
Way over due. company cars were massively subsidised by every tax payer. even with this, they are not paying their fair share.

14. Abolition of Entrepreneurs’ Tax Offset.

15. Phasing out of Dependent Spouse Tax Offset.
Only affects you if you a re rich enough to have a non working "spouse". for most people, their spouse has to work. bob started that need and little Johnny did SFA about reversing it

16. Disallowance of deductions against government assistance payments.

17. Removing minors’ eligibility for the low income tax offset on unearned income.
Just closing a tax dodge. Remember these kids didn't actually earn this money. Rich mummy/daddy gives them this each year so mummy and daddy can avoid their share of the tax on it. Doesn't affect genuine gifts.

18. Deferral of Tax Breaks for Green Buildings.
Lol, from the man who thinks it is all bullshit anyway

19. Great big new carbon tax.
Why shouldn't people/companies who destroy my air, pay a tax on it.
Lol, time to ramp up te wood fired heater. Apparently it causes minimal greenhouse affect compared to coal, lpg, etc. Fancy that.

Taxes fix everything, ask Dudd, Gillard and Swan.

If you and Alan say so.
Back on the local government referendum, I came across this newspaper article today. may or may not assist peeps with information.

I think what it says is that the bottom line is that it will let Federal bureaucrats and worse pollies will be able to directly interfere in local government; aka no funds unless you do what we demand.
Remind me why I haven't banned you Terry.

I swear you just log in to read my posts and whinge about what I write.

Anyone who works hard and pays their own way, should be taxed out of existence according to Terry.
Dont forget the Political Correctness bullshit too.

Currently watching Q&A, what a load of Greeny bullshit. Awesome seeing all the biasness.
Is Greeny bullshit different to Leftie bullshit?

It is mildly amusing to hear a Rabbit/Lib supporter say there is bias in the media though.
Everytime Queens (Greens)&ALP is on, its always got like 2 Greenies, 2 ALP members and 1 Liberal on the panel.

Cant forget the host, he keeps rambling about that Climate Change rubbish.
Oh and Terry.

Start a thread on your ideas. Id love to hear your thoughts on welfare being the answer to all the worlds problems, taxes fix everything and anyone who gets ahead should be taxed more.
Ask budgie smugglers after the election, tax hikes for low to middle income, tax cuts for high income, and it won't be long before that cash cow little johnnys legacy the GST goes up
Will a pair of budgie smugglers actually answer when you talk to them?

Note I did refrain from the obvious full off shit/budgie smugglers/Rabbit connection in a effort to raise the caliber of the thread a bit.
I was reading somewhere that the top performing economies of the past few decades all have adequate welfare whilst those without performed worse. So :p
I think it's safe to ignore any performance comparisons between Australia and the rest of the world. In fact, if you put your ass on the ground and stare into TBS (The Budgie Smugglers) long enough you won't care about ANYTHING - it'll be padded-cell time for you!
Does your arse have to be on the ground, the ground is hard and doesn't help the hemorrhoids.
Most of the smugglers supporters are on their knees, bobbing their heads back and forth aren't they?

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