Limp Mode After Engine Wash

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Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
Mid Coast Region, NSW, Australia
A new member @Gary70 has posted about his car entering limp mode after washing the engine. This thread is being created so everyone can see it, as I can't move the thread out of the resource it was posted in so that it can be discussed by everyone. Gary, over to you to give us some more information, did you use degreaser, or a pressure washer, and does it only enter limp mode when you use the accelerator? Have you been able to get any codes from the ECU?
Same happened to me.
Normal washing, no squirting thru the radiator or anything. Left the car wash and within 10m was in limp mode. It had happened before not associated with car washes, so i had an existing issue.
I replaced air filter and sprayed the sensor thingy ... mass airflowsensor, with that special spray, and haven't had an issue since. Besides my other issues :)