It's over - marriage

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Mine has taken a turn to the south.In late November I received a letter from her Solicitor and I personally thought it was well written for a year 12 student lol. Full of mis-truths and just blatant wrong facts. Anyway they requested all my financial docco which I proceeded to give them within 10 working days. I subsequently had my solicitor return the favor and ask for some of the statements to be verified and all financial docco..
Turns out that almost 8 weeks later they still dont have all their docco in order. Seems really sad that they can ask for docco knowing full well I will be doing the same as the standard procedures in this sort of crap.
Everytime I call the solicitor to ask anything or she rings me thats another $30 and any docco she writes is another $70. Cheap in terms of solicitors but a pain in the butt when her side arent ready to do anything .

Hang in there Grasshopper your definately not alone in this mess
Oh I feel your pain grasshopper. Like the others have said try and do it as amicable as possible. Things will get nasty when it comes to the money and assets. Are you going to go for half custody. If you get half custody there is no child support.

I'm hoping to have my settlement done in the next month. It has been going on for nearly 2 years now and have been amicable through the whole thing but I married the devil.

Good luck with it all mate.
As my son is only 3 3/4, going for 50% custody will be too hard on him.
So, in the best interest of my son, we are not going to court, nor seeking anything more formal than a Parenting Agreement - which we have.
Just not sure if my son is ready for 2 nights straight each fortnight away from his Mum.
Maybe only one way to find out.
Plan in advance to keep the little fella occupied and then worn out :) Im sure he will love dad time and a phone call to mum at night or something!
I had 65% custody and still payed child support.

Yeah im the same! I have 51 percent custordy of my son, but because im not a lazy **** and work for a living, i still have to pay the ex childsupport, the higher earner will always have to pay even if its fifty fifty
After two two night stays with me at Ipswich, my son is coping very well. Keeping him busy with play times, playgrounds, train rides to friends (with some walking included from train stations), all is going very good with us both :)

Just need to get lucky in the job hunting and life will be well back on track to recovery.
That's good news mate hope you find a job soon and it all works out for you in your favour ;-)
Update - HUGE improvement all round :)

I have found a new lady love near where I live in Ipswich.
My son is developing in leaps and bounds.
I am working now for a Water industry business.
Very much enjoying the work i have with the tools and developing processes of "how to" for the records keepers.

Looking forward to meeting many of the Forum members at the Navara Muster later this year.

Thanks for all of the support that was given and assisted me through the crudd of late last year and very early this year.
Mate its good to hear things are looking up for you and your enjoying things again, does sound like you have put the crap in the review mirror.
nice work,
Great News grasshopper
I wish mine was going so well.
I too have now met someone special however the ex is still going nowhere
I almost had it sorted and she was in agreement and then it all went bad and she went back to her solicitor , That was 2 weeks ago. She said she wanted to go to mediation. I dont think she even knows mediation wont acheive a thing.
Anyway 2 weeks on and next week will be letting her solicitor know they have sucked enough money out of the situation and see them in court .
Well i can smile a bit today, after seeing the solicitor :)
Looks like i will get credit for all of the money i have brought into the mix. Oh and i know that i beat the mrs to the best solicitor in the region... he told me she rang the day after i had booked in and secured them.

You have made the best possible move in getting professional advice.
I have had two friends go through something similar (although no kids)

They were laughing and sprouting how bad the girls were going to get it in court because the guys had paid for all the mortgage, cars, pretty much everything.

Well, both of them walked out with less than 100K from the sale of two houses and all the assets. Both went from sitting pretty to starting over unfortunately.

Best of luck mate, stay positive and just keep thinking that it can only get better from here.