Anybody on the NBN yet?

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Wow, you guys have lost me. Just jumped on the NBN website, now it says that by 2020 we'll have world leading Internet... but surely by 2020 everything will be wireless?
I only have Internet on iPhone at the moment, had optus wireless but when we moved to Healesville it became rubbish. Hmm wonder when NBN is coming here...
Powertel/iiNEt but I knew about that one because that's what I got bloody shifted to when iiNet brought out my ISP. I've always avoided iiNEt but now I have no bloody choice unless I change ISP and I really don't want to change right now.

I'd still consider Telstra's price if their customer service was better. I used to use Telstra and have several business clients still using them I just don't like paying $60 per month for shitty customer service when I can pay $35 for the same shitty customer service.

Depends whether we move house in the coming months or not I may just go with Telstra given the choices in this area but I'm still not jumping for ADSL2 and the NBN and it's supposed super fast downloads mean nothing to me or for my business especially at double the cost.
Wow, you guys have lost me. Just jumped on the NBN website, now it says that by 2020 we'll have world leading Internet... but surely by 2020 everything will be wireless?

Maybe not all wireless but it's a similar reason that I've always taken the stance that by the time the system is in place it wont be state of the art.

Sure they might never replace fiber as a means of communication but there is so many other parts involved that will go through advancements that saying today's technology will remain state of the art for the next 10 years is naive.

Look at place like China where people communicate on trains on their way to work faster than our "new state of the art system" allows and tell me that our system is still going to be world leading when it's installed.

I don't have a problem with the NBN (cost wise maybe a little) because the country needs something and sitting on our arses waiting shouldn't be an option but I really dislike the idea that it's going to be our saviour and keep us up with the rest of the world.
Hey Dave,
You mention that it's aimed at rural Victoria, then how come the first place in Vic to roll it out was Brunswick?... The home of Franco Cozzo.
Because even Francco learnt that drugs are bad and now he is selling high speed porn?
I was through Exetel a few years back and they used Telstra equipment for a while until Powertel installed there equipment.

Anyway, Exetel did a deal with Powertel and all customers were moved over. I got the job.

Anyways every 3 months the port would lock up, I rang Exetel and they said it would be 2 weeks before it was fixed.

So I thought to myself. !@#$ that, I rang AAPT direct and got one of there techs to reset the port. That contractor ID comes in handy at times.

Rang them atleast 5 times over the time I was with them.

Signed up with Telstra for ADSL 2. Exetel tried to make it as hard as possible for me to change over.

Rang my team leader and he put in a request to fast track it and 3 days later I had a job for my service. So I am hooked up to Telstra's Isam and haven't had a problem since.

Digby (Sorry mate, forgotten youyr name.) Wireless has some advantages, fibre is still better. Faster and more reliable. Only downside is, it costs a shit load to repair.

So in future, keep the dial before you dig number handy.

I have seen company's get bills of $14,000 to repair fibre on a Military base. That cable locator idea was a great one. Lol.
Hey Dave,
You mention that it's aimed at rural Victoria, then how come the first place in Vic to roll it out was Brunswick?... The home of Franco Cozzo.

Its probably a test area for Victoria.

Armidale is a test area in NSW.
OK now I am convinced, it's drug related, Armidale, Brunswick, they are testing it in areas where the people are too stoned to realise if it's working or not.
Yeah think your right about the test area. As Krafty kind of mentioned above, it is or will be behind but we do have to do something.
The thing is as you say, you can damage a cable but not wireless wires (fresh air?), so I reckon that's the way forward, I can download games (free in Maccas) and access YouTube and the like from my phone so in 10 years wireless will be lightning and there'll be signal towery things everywhere.
Wireless ain't that great.

Use to work with a bloke who use to be in the UK army as a comm's tech.

Him and his mate copped burns from working on a radar dish that was supposed to be turned off.

He was shitting himself that he will end up with cancer.

Wireless can be affected by alot more then fibre to.
Wow, you guys have lost me. Just jumped on the NBN website, now it says that by 2020 we'll have world leading Internet... but surely by 2020 everything will be wireless?

The NBN/adsl/wires give YOU the full capacity of the channel, whatever it is.

Wireless is shared. Whatever the current(varies greatly) channel capacity is is shared between all the users currently using the channel.

It is physically impossible for wireless to completely replace wired connections, even in sparsely populated place like Australia. It is going to be intriguing to find out how many country people are going to get satellite. wireless really needs clear line of sight as well (no trees, sheds, hills, etc)..
I was through Exetel a few years back and they used Telstra equipment for a while until Powertel installed there equipment.

Anyway, Exetel did a deal with Powertel and all customers were moved over. I got the job.

Down here, Exetel moved their gear to the thieving lying bunch of pr&cks called AAPT and converted my adsl1 service to adsl2. There was no speed improvement and the service was attracious until I purchased a new modem when it became a bit better.

IME, the only thing their tech support knows is to turn the power off and reset defaults.

The only reason I stay with them is their consistently lower plan prices. Also take great delight in using as close to my quota as I can each month, especially when Linton posts out another incoherent ramble.
The NBN is coming.

Seeing alot of work being done, 1 major thing I have seen is the higher security there using.

All access to NBN sites now is electronic access.

The local Node has just had 196 batteries installed, the V12 Detroit generator is getting upgraded as its to small to handle the load.

Its gonna be a power hungry network, so much for going Green Juliar.
The NBN Cabling runs within 100m of my place .
I am sposed to get connected by the end of next year.
Our area was supposedly cabled with Fibre almost 20 years ago. But then between Telstra and the developer they canned the project after spending 3million
Telstra has well and truelly screwed our area where at best we can sometimes get as low as 950kb . usually sits at 3meg but not stable.
Our local medical centre has posted that they are now unable to process medicare claims direct as their internet service is too unstable and unreliable.
Funny how Telstra has gotten away with dragging this country backwards with obsolete equipment for so many years and yet our local pollies will still allow them to be part of the NBn.
Friggen joke
They finally slotted us in for Oct 2013-April 2014 which from reports means they will start work on our area in about Oct 2014. I'm still not holding my breath, but then I'm not overly worried about getting it either so I'm happy for them to go elsewhere in the country and please other people first.
From what I saw it's not coming to towns near me that have less than a population of around 10,000 people, so most of this part of the state is out of the question.

I'll tell you what, I wish they would have spent it on hospitals and promoting Doctors to work in the bush and not on something that everyone already has.

I can still remember when we first left Melbourne, my son was around 10 yo or younger. We rung up the local Doctor and they said 'Sorry, we're accepting any more new patients'.

$30 - $40 billion spent on something that 25% may use for work, the other 75% will watch faster porn.
Yeah but while spending it on health can be a good thing there is as much room for exploitation/taking for granted as there is anywhere else. I remember when I was living in Sydney and the government were funding doctors to go bush and work in the rural sector for large cash sums.

An (annoying) friend was married to a doctor and they had it all worked out, he'd piss off to some rural address, take the free lodgings and whatever other perks the town would offer, stay for the minimum tenure he could get away with to qualify for the big cash hand out then he'd just return to the city with a bank account full of cash, pay off the house and still leave some town without the medical assistance the government was paying for.

There is always somewhere better for the money to go but it doesn't matter where it goes someone's going to screw the pony and take more than they are offered for their own greed. As much as I don't really give a damn about faster internet for myself I don't really have a problem with it's cost on the grounds that "tomorrows" big thing which will replace the NBN will cost even more.
You can get that internet thingy on mobile phones now biscuits, the porn fanbois will just take it to the roads and camping grounds the faster and more accessible the net becomes :big_smile:
Something else to think about when voting for the idiot Tony Abbott. He wants to bring in shitty wireless.

So you will have 75% of users on slow, overcrowded wireless connection looking at porn in camping grounds getting angry about buffering speeds and drop outs.

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