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Jan 29, 2010
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So whilst listening to JJJ at work today i learnt that the Victorian government are trialling on the spot fines for swearing in public. Whilst i agree there is a time and place for such language, generally most of the population have good enough understanding of what is appropriate and when and where.

To me it just seems like another idea for revenue raising, the state governments could be better spending their time focusing on more important issues.

Thoughts and opinions welcome.
First I've heard of it. They need it where I live on Queensland every second word is swearing. It has good and bads. The fines can't be that big
$240 per offense was what i heard, unsure if that varies or not. As stated its only a trial at this stage
Dont bet on it Rusty,the fines just keep going up and up down here.
The fucking stupid government making a swear jar law so they can have a big XMAS party,fucking tossers and the cops are the worst for it but oh yeah I forgot they are above the law,not there to police it.
What about freedom of speech. you should be able to say anything you want as long as its not directed to some individual who may be offended. Will the fines stretch to the ignorami who wear the T Shirts with Fuck off written on them or the bumper stickers like Australia If you dont like it then Fuck Off.
One day on the Gold Coast could gainfully employ all the Police with swear jars. More money to be made than catching any of the armed gangs holding up servos etc.

I see no problem with it at all.

How many times have I been to Greenhills or Macca's and I see 15 year olds swearing there heads off while talking crap.

The shopping centre and Macca's are for every age. I am sure my Grandmother wouldn't be happy if she walked past and heard someone, calling someone else a "F-ing C".

If people are dumb enough to carry on and swear infront of the police. They deserve the fine.
How much more money does our government really need, I mean the amount we get taxed, plus all our expenses like electricity, rego, tolls. They make a fortune, no wonder they can be in parliament for a few years then retire on 100k a year. It just makes me sick
Its good to see that they are attempting to address problematic issues in our society, but i don't think a fine is appropriate. Perhaps a couple days in the pokie or community service might suffice.
they can go and get fucked,if they came to my house they would make a fortune...
most swear words are now in the dictionary,so go and figure...
just a money grabbing exercise....tossers
Until such time as it's proven these fines are being handed out to people who are having quite conversations where the people around them aren't effected I'm all for the fines.

It's the groups of people (easy to point at younger people but it's not always them) where voices get raised to hear each other and the F and C words are used every second word that is the issue. There is a time and place for swearing and constant F's and C's while there is kids around, or in any public place really isn't appropriate.

Typical of this sort of thing, the government makes a statement, the media blows it out of proportion before it's implemented fully and the general public go off on their high horse.
Until such time as it's proven these fines are being handed out to people who are having quite conversations where the people around them aren't effected I'm all for the fines.

It's the groups of people (easy to point at younger people but it's not always them) where voices get raised to hear each other and the F and C words are used every second word that is the issue. There is a time and place for swearing and constant F's and C's while there is kids around, or in any public place really isn't appropriate.

Typical of this sort of thing, the government makes a statement, the media blows it out of proportion before it's implemented fully and the general public go off on their high horse.
