*VNOG* Cobaws Sun 2nd Jan

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hey guys
would you like me to bring some more snags and bread?
also, ill see you at 10

Just got a pile of snags. Jase has got hand grenades. Heata is bringing the cheese and sauce.....We are about covered thanks Perre.
Yummo I love bbbq's, can't believe I was in riddels creek last night and have missed this trip by a day! Must have missed the thread. Spewin, wouldve lived to play around with done recovery techniques etc.
Doh well enjoy dudes.
Yummo I love bbbq's, can't believe I was in riddels creek last night and have missed this trip by a day! Must have missed the thread. Spewin, wouldve lived to play around with done recovery techniques etc.
Doh well enjoy dudes.

You haven't missed it, it's tomorrow!:big_smile:
10am in Sunbury 1030 lancefield.
Still welcome if you haven't got plans.
Heaps for BBQ lunch.
Anybody else with nothing better to do tomorrow are still welcome too.
Weather will be mid 20's and sunny.
Looking forward to it.
Thanks for a fun day boys, some good tracks, bit more road building required than normal though! looks like it would be a fun place in the wet.
so i gather, guess they must have stayed on a bit, i left at 4pm. There were heaps of deep wash outs, so maybe he dropped into one? Is a tie rod the sort of thing they could change out there?
Hey Aido - read your first post on this thread and after reading the HELP thread...................LOL.

Glad things worked out in the end.
For the most part we had a great day. From my point of view it certainly will be one of the most memorable with the forum group.
Meet up as planned and head into Cobaw state forest. Air down as usual before making our way down the first track. Now in my defense the last time I was out this way was in about March and the tracks were in fairly good condition but due to the recent break in the drought there has been alot of erosion to the tracks and some major washouts created. We discovered this only 50 meters from where we departed and it was to be the theme for the day with clearing trees and road building.
Made our way onto Soil Pit track that I recall as being reasonably difficult. Still is. Overall it took us about 3hrs to travel the length of it with lunch halfway down. We had to do alot of filling of holes and ruts that had been washed out. Some of which resembled crevasses and were up to 4ft deep. I was really stoked to see the teamwork and assistance as we all made our way through some of the more difficult sections. At one stage I was teetering on the edge of a particularly deep drop away as Dave and Heata hurriedly chopped up a whole tree and threw logs in to fill it. :rock:
Jase of course just rolled on down with no difficulty at all in his Patrol. The difference between it and the Navaras is chalk and cheese.
We eventually got to the bottom of the track and headed to a large car park area where Heata got familiar with his new winch and Perre likewise by simulating an uphill recovery and getting familar with his winch.
By 4 oClock Heata and his boys waved goodbye and others were still keen for a little more.........
Hindsight is of course wonderful but this is where I wished I had trundled off home too. Last time I had been out here I had driven around the tracks in the NW corner of the park with absolute ease. Not this time. I had intended to make it to the sealed roads to the north but as we found and the further we went on the tracks became even more impassable with large washouts and alot of trees down. It was at 7oClock after the chainsaw was out of fuel and more and more obstacles ahead of us that we finally turned back to pass back through the tough sections we had already negotiated. 20mins after that I broke the LH tie rod. I beleive I said "Oh Bother!" a few times.
So now its getting dark, disabled vehicle in the middle of some tough terrain and the team swung into action. Being the techo geeks we are everyone pulled out phones and fired up the grapevine and a plan was formulated by Jase to head over to Dions to get a tie rod out of his spare D21 or to weld my damaged one....All well and good but we had to find him first. Scotty Bobcat even though on hols in Stawell tracked him down and we were off. Arrived at Dions at 10:30 and found that the D21 tie rod was much different but would serve purpose to get my vehicle out of the bush if need be. Jase fired up the Mig and put my rod back together and once again back on the road.
So back to the forest. I measured it on my way out and it was 3.2 kms of weaving around fallen trees, rutted tracks and obstacles in the dark. Even so it took us 30 mins to get back in when we new the way - took over an hour to get out again. No moon and as dark as it could possibly be we had to use phones as torches to find my vehicle because Jase wouldn't be able to turn around if he ventured too far in. The repaired tie rod slotted straight back in and both Jason and I were trying to be optomistic we both new that it would be no surprise if it snapped again within minutes. Very very cautious driving and by not applying any force to the steering wheel I had to do 6 and 8 point turns as I didn't want to turn the wheel unless the wheels were rolling.
Needless to say we eventually made our way back to civilisation at 1:30 am and Jase left me to crawl home the 50kms at 50-60kmh.

What a Day!

Once again I cant thank everyone enough for their help.

Enough Jibber Jabber heres some pics.

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Great pics Aido and good to hear you got out eventually still was an exciting day though, have you considered selling it yet or still keeping it