to smack or not to smack

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should children be smacked?

  • agree with smacking

    Votes: 78 97.5%
  • disagree with smacking

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters
I agree with smacking but only after warned. I have a 2 year old and I have had to smack her once. Most of the time my angry voice says it all. Ha
We aren't talking about what you like FB we are talking about how to discipline kids :ha:
Yeah I agree I was belted when I was a kid and I turned out fine and have Learnt to respect my elders. My wife and I are expecting our first in January and I have already stated my kids will be getting a smack the wife however disagrees with my logic at the end of the day the problem with today's youth is NO discipline and untill someone proves me wrong ill always believe that!
Yeap i came out good. I copped the wooden spoon, belt, stick, bat. Whatever was closest
smacking, belting, wooden spoon, egg flip, rope, and whatever else was closest. im sure once i got the bar of a chainsaw that the old man was servicing. But never walked away without knowing i did something wrong. to me it was discipline to beating. i learnt and i will be disciplining my kids when the time comes.

i recently had to go repair 5x laminated safety glass windows becuase KIDS constantly through rocks at them till they went through the glass.$3000 worth of damage from a bunch of s*** kids. you cant have anything nice these days cause someone will ruin it.
I'm in for the smacking, but as already stated, 'to within reason' and not without warning.
I believe in the saying 'you have to be cruel to be kind'.
Jimbob said:
I'm in for the smacking, but as already stated, 'to within reason' and not without warning.
I believe in the saying 'you have to be cruel to be kind'.

If my old man cracked me upside the head right now I'd still stand down
I've been inthe gentleman jack all arvo so you welcome to drive up and go for it