Scanguage II

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Has anyone worked out how to transfer one of the trip gauges (LHK for the current tank) to the main gauge screen? It only shows the instantaneous LHK one as a default.
What gauges do you want Krankin, maybe there is a difference between what the D22 and the D40 show because I can't say I've noticed things not showing but I could easily have skipped some things given that the majority of the time I only have LHK, CWT, KPH and Vlts showing. If you've got something specific I'll have a look on mine next time I'm out and see if mine shows anything different.

Jason. I haven't read anywhere that what your suggesting is possible by the user menus. It's not a bad idea though, being able to see things like over all tank averages instead of instantaneous figures which really mean nothing solid. Just about any of the "current tank" figures would be worth having over LHK.

I had hoped that the forum member who said he was the aussie rep for these things was going to provide us with a bit more information and maybe some helpful tips but it appears he was either stumped by the questions asked in the other thread or he fell off the face of the earth.
I was thinking of posting this question last night, but i wanted to wait until i got my SC2 (hopefully today ?)

but i'll ask anyway.

What gauges do most people find the most practicable to provide information on their scanguage whilst driving ..... ?


I ask for 2 reasons - first being, i'm interested to see what people think is valuable information to themselves .... and second, i'm a lazy bugger and want to set it up quickly with the commonmost guages and to not keep playing with it.
As stated above mine is VLTS KPH LHK and cWT.

I used RPM for a while (especially the time where the gauge was reading the fuel figures massively out of whack) but mostly that was just to compare with that the dash was showing me and it's fairly close.

The VLTs on mine is about 0.2 out but one again it's close enough as long as I can see 14.X on SG I'm happy enough knowing that the alternator is working.

LHK I do drive by quite a bit but I don't drive by it and consider the figure showing is exactly what is happening. I use it to see when I'm increasing fuel usage. I have the occasional times where I even drive entirely by the LHK, for instance if I'm doing a leisurely drive to my parents place where I am in constant 50 zones I might try and keep the car under 10LHK for the whole trip, it's not always an easy thing to do.

The cWT gauge I really only use for long trips, driving across the Nullabor in December it was the best way to keep an eye on what the engine was doing in the heat for such long periods of running. On shorter trips I look at it occasionally but not constantly like I did on that trip but for me rising temp is something I want to be aware of so it will stay as one of the top 4.
I had hoped that the forum member who said he was the aussie rep for these things was going to provide us with a bit more information and maybe some helpful tips but it appears he was either stumped by the questions asked in the other thread or he fell off the face of the earth.

He hasn't been on the site since April.

Considering the bagging he got for putting up a vid of his Triton I can't say I blame him.
He hardly copped a bagging (anywhere visible that I can see). Us hair dressers cop alot more crap from jealous D22 drivers and we don't all pack up and bats and balls and go home.

Everyone has different views but he introduced himself and suggested he was the go to guy in Aus for these things then when several members threw questions at him he stopped answering posts. I don't know the guy and I'm not going to make accusations against what he is or isn't but there was questions that went un answered which I would have thought a rep would have been able to answer.

If he was offended by people picking on his little Triton then I hope he never goes onto the Pommie forums sheesh he will commit suicide.
Well, i just recieved my ScanguageII by courier a few minutes ago ... so i'm gonna have some fun 2nite putting it in my car and starting to play with it.

ATM i only have the stock 80 litre tank ... but later in the week i'm haveing the LR tank installed (144 litres)

should i wait until i have the new tank before installing the scanguage, or can i change the tank size easily and get the unit to re-calibrate afterward?
It wont matter, it takes about 5 mins to completely reprogram it but considering you're not going to get any meaningful data out of it until you've gone through a few tanks the choice will be yours. I don't even know if the thing goes up to 140 litres in the tank size.

Also bear in mind that if you don't install it and run the cables in the exact location you want it first time when it comes time to disconnect it and re-route the cable you'll more than likely have to do the recalibration again anyway because I think it's only got about a 5 min memory.

It also looses power and needs recalibration should you ever remove the dash fuse in case you ever wonder why it's gone off after playing with the dash.
I'd wait, just play with it now and learn the features with the current tank, when the new tank goes in reset to defaults and start the cal again. I don't think it would be as easy as changing the tank setting to the new larger value.

Fuel economy decreases with double the fuel, exact quantities may be out etc.
If you are running it today and it's calibrated right then tomorrow you get a larger tank put in the car then all you have to do is change the tank size in the settings and fill that tank up as if it were the original. After two or three tanks through the system doing as the book says for a first time set up the gauge will accept that it's got 140 instead of 80 and calculate accordingly.
The fuel economy will be different when the tank is full as you have added an extra 60kgs-ish to the car weight.

The new tank stats may state 144 litres but you wont know until you fill it from scratch at a servo and get the first click (ok I know it wont be from scratch because that means you would have pushed it there). But that will be the starting point.

Easier (and same outcome) to just reset to defaults when new tank goes in.

Edit: I'm pretty sure the fuel calulations it makes are linear, not exponential, it's pretty rudimentary.
The fuel economy will be different when the 140 litre tanks is empty too, it makes no difference. His question was should he put it on and calibrate it now and the answer to that is why not it's not going to change much. He's not going to get it totally calibrated before the new tank goes in so therefore figures aren't going to be exactly right but he's still going to be able to calibrate it and use it for basic things like RPM and temp etc. Then when the big tank goes in he calibrates it (and all he needs to change is the tank size when the time is right) to the new tank, then as the book states will take atleast two fills before calibration is effective.

While a complete reset takes less than 5 minutes (10 if you wait for the unit to forget instead of forcing the reset) you still have to remember to change each setting from the default. Given that the engine size and fuel type wont need to change there is no real benefit to resetting those units and they are the only two other units that will have any great bearing on how scangauge calculates the fuel. The units setting and colours also need to be reset if you use factory defaults, sure it's only a few pushes of the button but you don't need to go that far.
His question was should he put it on and calibrate it now and the answer to that is why not it's not going to change much.

Ha ha, that's what I thought I said. Same outcome. Takes a couple of tanks to fully cal anyway.

I think it uses more than engine size and fuel type to calibrate fuel economy? I'd like Freestyle's input here but I don't think that will happen.
The three settings you can change that effect the fuel and how its recorded is fuel type, tank size and size of engine and only one of those needs to change when you add a bigger tank. All the rest of the calculations are done by the ECU and not controlled by the user therefore one setting is all you need to change despite how many tanks it takes to calibrate properly. That's all the point I was trying to make, one setting change made run two tanks through forget everything else. Reset the lot and forget to change one of the settings and you could easily have an inaccurate gauge for things like fuel consumption
I just remembered too. If it is calibrated to 80 litres and you suddenly put a 140 litre tank on wont it go negative quite a bit as it gets toward fully empty? I missed a fill once and it wasn't fun getting the amount filled back to the correct value.

You have to push a lot more buttons than a simple reset.
Yes you are right the gauge will read incorrectly the second you go from 80 to 140 but after about two tank fulls it should have recalculated itself back to right. So therefore one setting changed and two tank fulls = recalibrated. Factory reset and reset all user settings then 2 tank fulls and recalibrated. The one change method takes and 20 secs if you're lucky and saves you forgetting to change something from default.
For those interested the Aussie supplier of scangauge is currently advertising what could be new firmware updates for some users. You'll have to check your own gauges for the firmware version but the updates aren't free so unless you have something specific you want changed that is addressed by the update it may not be worthwhile for you to change.

I was just reading up more about the update procedure and the upgrade is not a DIY option you have to send the gauge back to the seller (US buyers no doubt will have to send it back to the US) and they will update the firmware for $35. The upgrade time is about a week which I'd reckon has to be grossly over estimated to make sure they get it done in the time frame after all it;s only a 3mb update. Then you've got shipping time on top of that, I remember when I brought mine shipping was quick but that still indicates a week or so without a toy to play with while driving down the road.
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Has anyone worked out how to transfer one of the trip gauges (LHK for the current tank) to the main gauge screen? It only shows the instantaneous LHK one as a default.

The following TRIP values can be displayed as an XGauge but not all Scangauges are XGuage compatible.

0 = Average Fuel Economy
1 = Fuel used
2 = Max Coolant Temperature or Fuel Remaining for TANK trip
3 = Distance
4 = Max RPM or Distance to Empty for TANK trip
5 = Time
6 = Max Speed or Time to Empty for TANK trip
7 = Average Speed
8 = Cost

Then those values can be used for the following settings

0 = CURRENT Trip
1 = TODAY Trip
4 = TANK Trip

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