Premier DV9000 gearbox rotation and install.

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Install wont be done till after the Muster.

The plan was to do it yesterday, but I had to pull the intercooler out (which I did) and then I realised I had to rotate the gearbox on the winch as it would hit my intercooler. Have the winch bolted up, 1 bolt is not long enough. Went to install the intercooler and couldn't fit it back in.

So having no one to help lift it, I thought !@#$ it. Its getting cold and the sun is going down and I really dont wanna try it again as its easily around 50Kg.

Ill grab some pics of how to rotrate the gearbox.

The instructions tell you, jack shit on rotating the gearbox.

Warns and the other brands shouldn't be that much different.
Cheers Andrew.

A mate who owes me like 100 favours was in QLD, dunno how many times I have worked on his shitty Holdens over the years.

Ill upload pics when they upload.





Dont lose those screws. I cant imagine there easy to find.



There are 6 allen key screws under the cover. Undo them and rotate the gearbox until the clutch handle is where you want it.

Not the allen key screw near the bearing. In the holes in the chunkier section.