Labor to win on September 14th.

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There's one group of facts all you guys & girls must bear in mind.

Tony Abbott is a member of a Rural Fire Brigade in a safe Liberal seat in Sydney
Brigade members elect the officer of the Brigade from amongst its membership
Having Tony as part of the leadership group would significantly raise the profile of the Brigade and assist in fund raising
Tony has NO RANK within the Brigade...

If your mates that trust you with your life won't put you in charge of a $200K fire truck why she WE trust him with a country.....

I would think he wouldn't be a dinky di member, he'd be more of a token member surely. He's probably also involved with most sports clubs in his electorate and/or place of residence I would suspect, as would many other high profile politicians on all sides of politics.
There's one group of facts all you guys & girls must bear in mind.

Tony Abbott is a member of a Rural Fire Brigade in a safe Liberal seat in Sydney
Brigade members elect the officer of the Brigade from amongst its membership
Having Tony as part of the leadership group would significantly raise the profile of the Brigade and assist in fund raising
Tony has NO RANK within the Brigade...

If your mates that trust you with your life won't put you in charge of a $200K fire truck why she WE trust him with a country.....

Funny how the glaringly obvious doesn't come to mind for some and they read what they will into a situation without any real thought. Just a thought. I am a member of a 4x4 club and I can only attend a little more than half the meetings and even less of the club outings/trips. Does anyone believe I could, or would be nominated as club president, trip co-ordinater etc. if I'm not there to preside or co-ordinate? Just saying!!

Cheers Brad
G'day Trendsetters,

What this country really needs is an farken enema! That way we can get rid of all the shit! lol


The clowns at NBN Co have just signed a deal for $2 billion dollars to use satelite for the northern part of aus for broadband. They are using the KA band which will not work in the rain.How good is that.
Ah a tech head. Niether will Ku without a big sized dish for margin. C Band is good for rain but dish size could be a problem to. Your got a point tho, Sat. is not much good for broadband internet anyway. To much latency.
You can say what you want avout Labour. But i will be voting for them.

Better plans, costed plans and an NBN that will actually work. Not $30bn on copper that is rooted and speeds that some already get is not a good plan.

Tony Abbott is a ****ing idiot (swear jar). Thats the only way to discribe him. Only reason he is still in leadership is because Rupert Murdoch wants him to kill NBN so he can maintain profit on Foxtel and main stream media.
You can say what you want avout Labour. But i will be voting for them.

Better plans, costed plans and an NBN that will actually work. Not $30bn on copper that is rooted and speeds that some already get is not a good plan.

Tony Abbott is a ****ing idiot (swear jar). Thats the only way to discribe him. Only reason he is still in leadership is because Rupert Murdoch wants him to kill NBN so he can maintain profit on Foxtel and main stream media.

Good point. Foxtel and Austar by satellite delivery is as good as dead with Labors NBN.
You can already get Smart TV's that offer Quickflix/Netflix for movies, free news app, weather. I can get all my TV shows from itunes straight after airing in the states. What the hell would i want Weather effected satelitte foxtel with ads for? You can even get a foxtel app on samsung tv if you desperate.

Murdoch knows his bottom line is in trouble with the NBN in every household, why buy the paper when you can get your news free online. Bye bye printer media, Fairfax & News LTD.

Explains pretty well why you always see Tony's hollow stunts in the news. But there is nothing about Labour and actual achievments. Plenty of Labour stuff ups make the news but Tony never makes an error it seems.

Why else would you launch your, slower, more expensive, half assed, fraudband plan at Fox Studio????
Not hard to save money when you don't build any infrastructure. The IMF dubbed Howard Australia's worst PM from an economic stand point. He saved loads and spent nothing, leaving Rudd a lot of damag to fix. If your budget is always in huge surplus it means you could spend more on Health and Education or keeping your industy afloat

Oh yeah and Howard never had a GFC to deal with, just high interest rates and high unemployment. Does no one remeber work choices??? Short memories us Aussies.

Either way, Tony Abbott is not even close to being in Howards league.

Voting for Tony Abbott because you hate Gillard is like eating shit because you hate spinach
I try, no other way to put it really. The liberal party have nothing to offer this country as we've seen by thier first pathetic effort at public policy with NBN.

I'm no Gillard fan but i'd be embarrased to see Tony Abbott knuckle dragging on the world stage, walking away from world press when questions are too hard. He will end up with a youtube gaff section not seen since Bush.

A vote for Abbott is a vote for ignorance, unemployment and mortgage defaults.
I'd vote for myself because I know I could do a better job but there is already enough arseholes in politics.
Didn't the GFC (North Atlantic Financial Crisis) start in the first quarter of 2007? The advice they received was to embark on a spending spree, cash handouts that bought flatscreen TV's and went in the pokies, home insulation and Building the Eduction Revolution. Once the Building the Education Revolution was in full swing the GFC (NAFC) was long gone (start of 2010).

How did the Government go from 45b in the black to almost 150b in the red in 5 years? Unheard of. We've had a mining boom at the same time and the Labor Party couldn't even take advantage of that, massive f*ck up.

What happened to the "no-ifs, no-buts" surplus that was promised? Maybe Holden took it?

The bottom line is the Labor Party couldn't manage a household budget. What have we got for almost 200b dollars worth of spending in the last 5 years? Saved from the GFC? Bullshit.
I'd vote for myself because I know I could do a better job but there is already enough arseholes in politics.

Exactly, they are all assholes, but to effectively manage a country you need the balance provided by two effective parties. It's time for a change before the spending spirals out of control. It's already going to take years and years to pay back what we owe.
To say the GFC is over is nothing short of ignorant. If your talking about. Your personal drive from home to work and back, yeah sure the GFC is long gone. However if you look outside your own line of sight and this lucky country. The rest of the world will strongly disagree.

I'm sure Spain, Greece, Italy, USA would all agree with you and your assessment that it's long gone.

If you read into the effects of the insulation rollout, it is estimated to have saved hundreds of millions in power bills alone not factoring in climate savings. Government can hardly be blamed for tradies over charging for work done on schools. If the population is full of greedy pricks looking for a tax payer ride.

No of the examples you gave land squarely on the government. At some stage each voter must take responsabilty for thier own actions. If the government trusts you to make an adult decision and you act like a child, hardly the fault of the government.

No matter which way you look at it. We never entered recesion. No developed nation on the globe can boast that fact. Labour gas spent money on massive infrastructure projects at huge cost... Because the liberals didn't, saving for a rainy day or something.

4 states Flooded to the rooftops
Bushfires galore

Labour shit it in with over 400+ pieces of legislation passed and all with Tony the rat trying to bring down a minority government. He failed and She didn't.

Hate them or loves them. They gave spent thier time in government getting things done.
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