Had a gutfull

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Correct me if I'm wrong, the english(?) guy was in civvies and just happened to be outside a(his) miltary base when the "maggots" arrived and he became their target. so, AFAIK, it has SFA to do with being in uniform, SFA with any social media profile and was just one of those wrong place at the wrong time**.


sorry but i think your totally wrong there...

the "maggots" new where they were and new what they were after.

and I would say the AAFC know a bit more than the average joe blow and are trying to keep our young cadets out of harms way from these pathetic low life camel f_uckers

its just a pity that we have change our ways due to these MAGGOTS

Do you Terryc know what its like in northern subs of Melb....Broady for one????
Anyone here "Transgender" ?

Labor's Mark Dreyfus changed the law.

That will now be on government documents now.

Sex : Male, Female and "Transgender"

Good to see Labor looking at important issues that affect the majority. :rolleyes:
If use keep voting Labor or the Greens we'll see more of this bullshit to cower to the minorities.
the worlds farked just like the take off power of my navara....It should be fine but its farked
my engine take off power is fine.......its the MAGGOTS taking over this country that need dealing with:rambo::rambo::rambo:
well your one up on me I gotta watch the maggots destroy the country and put up with a shit motor haha.

2012 d22 2.5 Dave, Cant pull my 4.35mtr boat out a small incline boat ramp with out riding the clutch heaps and I mean heaps or drop the clutch at revs so i get wheel spin. I know lowrange but I shouldn't have to im not trying to dry dock the titanic I push the boat round by myself on the grass at home
It will just bog down and not move till you clutch it if you put it under load. Bogs down and just soots bulk black smoke. Had to apologize to the block beside me at the ramp today. His words were"I get that thing looked at if I were you"
I wont even look at Navara's again until Nissan throw the YD25 on the scrap heap, especially in the D40's.

Id tell you to buy another brand of truck, but some people will cry.
Yeah without starting a Dmax war I wanted one of them or a bt 50 wish I did now tbo. nothing actually wrong with my car but Its just not what I expect in a ute, I am very tempted to sell or trade it even tho it just hit 20,000kms. Can't afford to but seriously considering it
I like the sign at the gun show today. Some items may offend some people but its history, and history won't be changed for political correctness
I wont even look at Navara's again until Nissan throw the YD25 on the scrap heap, especially in the D40's.

Id tell you to buy another brand of truck, but some people will cry.

Im probably going to order a hilux next week, need to get one before the fools put vsc on all of the range, thinking of just a blue single cab with polished alloy tray and some nice wheels, should look mint. (plus lift, bullbar and lights of course)
Political correctness is a load of shit, gone way to far. I will not be bring my son up to worry about it. I treat people the way they treat me, I don't care who you are.
I'm not racist, but I am anti religious. More wars have been start in history because of religion then any other reason. People that think there smart, because they call someone racist because they say something about muslims, need to find out the meaning of racist. Muslims come from many different races around the world.
I do love my country and the our way of life and NO ONE! Should be aloud to change it. It's what makes this country great!

I agree 100%.

Islam is the problem & it has no place in Australian society. I can almost hear the left leaning do gooders screaming at me about freedom of religion & calling me a racist as I type, but with the freedom to practice any religion comes responsibility!

I do not believe we need people in this country who think its OK to stone to death a young woman for no other reason than because she has been raped! Nor do I believe in female circumcision, or subservience. Women are not property, they are people. Why should they have to cover their entire body & head on days of extreme heat, walking 3 paces behind their husband, who is wearing shorts & a T-Shirt?

Why should we put up with people who feed off us like parasites, chewing up the welfare, hospital & public housing systems built & paid for by Australians, for Australians over many generations? I have seen masses of men turn up for prayers at a mosque during the middle of the day regularly. How can they hold down jobs & do that? They can't! We provide CentreLink, so why would they?

These same people seem to hate us. Yet all we have done is to provide them with food, shelter & a peaceful way of life. They seem hell bent on turning Australia into a place that resembles the shit-hole they came from!

No matter what the lefty apologists think, it's not racist to say you love your country & your way of life! Nor is it racist to say no to a religion that seeks to change your way of life against your will. Especially a religion that seeks to return the world to the dark ages!

But sometimes I do feel the lefties get free kicks from well meaning people when casual racism gets thrown into the debate.
Islam is not the problem, 99% of them are non violent people who are no different to any Australian families, its the minority that gets the rest of them a bad name.
I think a major point has been missed here: it's not about Islam being bad, it's about fcukwits within Islam. All religions and large groupings of people will have their fcukwits & Islam is no different. Religion in and of itself is OK (its not my cuppa, but meh!), that is if its not taken too literally, however fundamentalists (aka fcukwits) end up tarring everyone the same (& here I agree with 180).

So when you all get pissed at Islam you'd do better by being pissed at fundamentalists and fcukwits (where ever they are) -- and really calling these pricks out for being fcukwits -- rather than being lazy and focusing on religion as the point of difference.
Isn't there a software update for that model?

Apparently Its gotta go in for 20k service as soon as they have time to fit me in so probably another 3 monthss knowing the useless kents at my dealer and they can do something with it
Islam is not the problem, 99% of them are non violent people who are no different to any Australian families, its the minority that gets the rest of them a bad name.

I very strongly disagree mate, I've heard that from people I love too, but disagree with them also.

But, I strongly agree with your right to say whatever you want.

Which is not something you will be offered if the Islamist' get their way though!
What I hate is, minorities are considered more important then the majority.

Ie, the far Left. Alot of the Labor party and the extremist Greens.