D22 Delivery Delay

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Aug 22, 2012
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Hi everyone,

New to the forum, have been scouring through here to get all the information i need regarding the D22.
Some of the info here reinforced my decision to buy a D22.

Question is, have many of you come accross delays when ordering a new one of these from a dealer?
I ordered mine 2 weeks ago from a Brissie dealer and feel i have been led astray a little as i was first told end of this month, now told sometime next month but when asked for an approx eta i am told that Nissan cant advise??

Got me stuffed....... anyway, just wanting to hear other D22 owners experiences when ordering them from new and whether this is just common practice.

Had mine the same day as ordered it, that was 3/4months ago.
The wait might be because they have apparently moved production of the d22 back to Thailand .
Don't take that as gospel it's just a wild guess
Wasnt Westpoint autos was it???...Bought a Dualis+2 from them 18 months ago on the promise it was a one week delivery...waited three 3 months for final delivery. Salesman was uncontactable and found through manager he was "no longer employed by the company". Was given a Hyundai Getz coupe as a loan car. Had problems with servicing also. No apologize, no compensation, so no return trade, sold the Dualis and bought a second hand D22...Dont get me started on finance companies though!!
Thanks for the reply's guys.
Sorry to hear you had a bit of a stuff around with your dealer Karnage, its a shame that things like that happen. Buying a new car (or second hand) should be a great experience. Dont get to do it to many times in life.

qqc d22 - Wish my experience was a smooth and simple as that, change of production factory would make sense.

sparra04 - Yes there are other dealers in my area that have stock i found, but im trying to do the right thing and support our local dealer.

Will have to wait and see, just keen to get my hands on my new D22!!

Thanks again
8 weeks wait in 09 when I brought mine, back then they blamed the GFC, now they can blame Australia selling too many dual cabs to keep up. Nissan CEO was in the paper about 3 months ago sprouting he could out sell Hilux if he could get the utes into the country but too many delays at the plant saw shipping new utes slow down. Story may well be tainted with new car bullshit-itis but it pretty much means dealers nation wide have an excuse if their CEO is saying such things.
If i can fly around this country for work surely a decent dealer can freight from anywhere required to get a deal done, or they should let you know that exactly what your after isnt available! Sounds like your typical bull shit dealers come up with to get your hard earned off you! Oh and for the record, YES I have a problem with nissan dealers, in my experience they are a pack of spineless ........
Of course a dealer can freight a car anywhere but would you be happy to pay the freight to get your car 6 weeks earlier? No dealer is going to pay the costs of whacking a car on a trailer in Sydney so they can have it in Melb just to speed up a deal. If the customer offers to pay the freight charges I bet they will try harder.
Of course a dealer can freight a car anywhere but would you be happy to pay the freight to get your car 6 weeks earlier? No dealer is going to pay the costs of whacking a car on a trailer in Sydney so they can have it in Melb just to speed up a deal. If the customer offers to pay the freight charges I bet they will try harder.
I got a dealer to do that, bring a car up from Melbourne, to bad they didn't get me to sign on the day, was late in the afternoon and they said just come back tomorrow and sign the paperwork we'll order the car tonight, to bad I ended up bailing on them cause I searched on the net and found the deal that was their best was only just on alot of other dealers rrp.
I had a Nissan dealer once offer to get me the car I wanted from Adelaide at a cost of $800, no bargaining, no meet half way so he could sell a car, nothing, so he didn't make the sale.

There will no doubt be stories where some people managed to get a car shipped from dealer to dealer for nothing but you can't blame a dealer for wanting to recoup the costs, you can guarantee the manufacturer isn't going to pay it just to sell a car 6 weeks earlier. If the car is coming across town or direct from the docks where dealers can make an easy swap it's fair to expect them to pick up any freight charges but coming any more than a few hundred k's by truck isn't cheap.

I'm not 100% sure on the process but apparently dealers also have a network they can trade with and just because two dealers in the same suburb have the same manufacturer badge on the front door doesn't mean they can swap cars with each other easily. There is also some sort of pecking order where cars on the boat are delegated and not all dealers have equal rights to demand a car going into stock at one dealership be theirs.

It's all good and well whacking shit on car dealers they deserve it most of the time but occasionally common sense by the buying public needs to come into play as well.
So i might have a crappy opinion about most car dealers, but when I found a decent one I am the first to recommend them to my friends and family.
we got ours from metro in brisbane, ordered it in December and was told i had to wait till early feb for a 2012 model but could take a 2011 with in 2-3 days. We didnt need the car so choose to wait. We ended up getting it the around the 20th of January.

That said, I noticed that nissan are doing 1% finance on the 4x4 range but there is NO mention of the D22 in any of there advertising.
Just bought mine a few weeks ago from Cleveland nissan. Waited 3 weeks and got it, but without the queenslander pack. Getting the 1000km service done today and the queenslander pack fitted. Pick it up tomorrow. Nissan had the 1% finance 3 weeks ago, so they are still catching up from that. They sold 65 cars in that one week. Most were navaras
Its a bit of a scam, you have to pay the car off in 24 months from memory, the rate went up 1% for every year after that plus all these other charges.
D22 delivery update

Hi Guys,

Appears most people are thrown into the same boat when there buying a car from Nissan!
Ah well, a bit of an update anyway with the progress of the delivery of my D22..........
After posting this a couple weeks back i have been speaking with my dealer on numerous occasions. Alot of it was full of false promises, mainly that they would put me into a loaner car to tie me over until my car arrived.
This offer was put forward to me by the salesman that sold me the car so i didnt ask for this in the first instance but i definately took him up on it as i was basically carless as my trade in was a pile of crap and was hardly running, hence the new car purchase.
I found that even trying to get a loaner from them took alot of time and effort on my part (numerous phone calls to the dealer) just to find out what was happening with the availability of getting a loaner! was first promised that i would get one but then there was even a delay with the loaner!
I remained patient for over a week with no result and no follow up calls from the dealer on what was happening. Eventually on Tuesday this week i rang them and lost it as after nearly a month i still did not have a delivery eta on my D22 and now was getting stuffed around with the loaner. Was told repeatedly that they didnt have loaner available but when i stuck it up them and said im taking my business elsewhere......surprise surprise... a loaner was magically available 3 hours later and collected it the same day.
What a joke. To be honest it was laughable in the end because when i went to collect the car, i was then told they have an eta of the delivery for the D22, well i'll be buggered, funny how that happens all in one day.
Good news though, D22 arrives at the port on the 7th September and should take delivery about a week after that. So all in all i am now happy. Just wish i didnt have to get upset at the dealer so that they would actually look after their customer, this should just come as part of the package.
Hopefully they will realise that treating their customers like a number will eventually have an effect on their trade over time if it continues. Who knows, maybe they will pick up their game........ but i doubt it.

Thanks again for all your replies!
Glad its all coming good.

A week off the docks is pretty good but do yourself a favor and don't get upset if it takes longer. Nissan (or any manufacture) doesn't control what happens on the docks and too often salesmen promise a quick turn around from boat to delivery to keep anxious customers happy and someone ends up in tears. If it's on the boat barring any major F ups it will arrive within a few weeks holding a salesman who's only job it is is to suck up to the customer to dates is pointless.
Hi Guys,

Appears most people are thrown into the same boat when there buying a car from Nissan!
Ah well, a bit of an update anyway with the progress of the delivery of my D22..........
After posting this a couple weeks back i have been speaking with my dealer on numerous occasions. Alot of it was full of false promises, mainly that they would put me into a loaner car to tie me over until my car arrived.
This offer was put forward to me by the salesman that sold me the car so i didnt ask for this in the first instance but i definately took him up on it as i was basically carless as my trade in was a pile of crap and was hardly running, hence the new car purchase.
I found that even trying to get a loaner from them took alot of time and effort on my part (numerous phone calls to the dealer) just to find out what was happening with the availability of getting a loaner! was first promised that i would get one but then there was even a delay with the loaner!
I remained patient for over a week with no result and no follow up calls from the dealer on what was happening. Eventually on Tuesday this week i rang them and lost it as after nearly a month i still did not have a delivery eta on my D22 and now was getting stuffed around with the loaner. Was told repeatedly that they didnt have loaner available but when i stuck it up them and said im taking my business elsewhere......surprise surprise... a loaner was magically available 3 hours later and collected it the same day.
What a joke. To be honest it was laughable in the end because when i went to collect the car, i was then told they have an eta of the delivery for the D22, well i'll be buggered, funny how that happens all in one day.
Good news though, D22 arrives at the port on the 7th September and should take delivery about a week after that. So all in all i am now happy. Just wish i didnt have to get upset at the dealer so that they would actually look after their customer, this should just come as part of the package.
Hopefully they will realise that treating their customers like a number will eventually have an effect on their trade over time if it continues. Who knows, maybe they will pick up their game........ but i doubt it.

Thanks again for all your replies!

Which Brissy dealer is this they sound like one to avoid?

I'm looking for a new Nissan dealer for some warranty work after Highway Nissan stopped being a Nissan dealer.
Which Brissy dealer is this they sound like one to avoid?

I'm looking for a new Nissan dealer for some warranty work after Highway Nissan stopped being a Nissan dealer.

Try Garry Cricks in Nambour, had good experiences with them.