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ADR does indeed prohibit a speedo from reading UNDER the speed limit by ANY amount at all. It's allowed to read OVER by 10%+4km/h. My own speedo reads almost 140km/h on standard (original) tyres when my GPS tells me I'm doing 125km/h.

We should also keep in mind that our GPS units aren't 100% accurate. Typically when the skies are clear and there's lots of visible sky your GPS unit will be accurate to about 1% (either way). During military manoeuvres, actual war time, poor weather or amongst tall buildings, the accuracy falls dramatically. So if your GPS is reading 103 in a 100km/h zone, you could be doing 104 and be caught.

I've been told that the police radar/laser systems are also calibrated to within 1km/h, which is why they give you 3km/h leeway - so you can't possibly argue in court.

As some of the locals will know (and Scottybobcat), I tend to drive a couple of km below the speed limit and use my cruise control most of the time just to be sure. I don't give a flying fcuk about those behind me. If you want to look in my exhaust, I'll tap my brake and give you a real close look. However, I will NOT annoy people by speeding up when they have an opportunity to overtake - I just continue cruising.

As for camera placement - I guess some of the people deciding on location are blinded by the camera effects you see in a built-up area. Drive through Sandgate where there are 80km/h cameras on both sides of the road - traffic slows to 70km/h (maybe 75km/h if someone's got a particularly large pair of hairy balls) and then gets back to 85+ on the far side. You see the same thing in Sydney, in particular in the school zone just off the freeway on the Pacific Highway. Because of these effects on drivers, it's possible that those deciding where the cameras go believe that people will automatically slow down when they see the signs.

I guess society is making things more difficult here. We have to do things faster and more efficiently, achieving more in a shorter amount of time. Truck drivers need to shave x minutes off their trip so that they can deliver y% more goods per annum turning into an increased profit for the freight company. Some of these drivers disable their speed limiters to achieve this - it's just a fuse, after all (Krafty?). If only we didn't place such importance on efficiency, then we might have siestas during the day and a 2-day working week with ... well, I guess an economy like Greece has. I wonder if they have many speeding cameras?
Some of these drivers disable their speed limiters to achieve this - it's just a fuse, after all (Krafty?).

It depends on the truck, some trucks have limiters by way of a bolt under the pedal, but electronic ones often only need a fuse.
Things won't change until some poor driver actually fronts in court , yes your honor , I did kill that pedestrian , I did kill the driver of that car that pulled out on me , I did kill that mother and child crossing the road , because I was too pre occupied looking at my speedo to watch the road , something might be done , then all you puffed up punces that agree with the cameras can shut your pie holes
I think for some of us (ok, for me at least) it's less a case of liking the cameras, and more a case of not wanting to contribute to the government's coffers unless it's necessary.
If you don't speed then they can put them every 100 meters and you won't get caught. Speed limits are the law and if we obey the law then what's the problem. I'm not saying our speed limits are correct tho. They could be increased in some areas.
I coulnt count how many cars ive run on the dyno with actual road speed measured vs what I could see on the speedo.

Never seen a stock car that was within 3km of being actually @ 100kph when it read on the speedo. probably 70% are 5-7kph lower, 20% even lower than that and the remaining 10% divided up into being accurate or over due to changed rolling diamater.

Ive been caught for speeding, no big deal. You make the mistake you pay the fine.
If you cant maintain a speed without looking constantly at your speedo then you have fundamental problems in your judgement as a driver.

I check my speedo pretty regularly when on the highway, and very rarely would my eye's be off the road for more than 1/2 a second.

But in saying that I wouldnt be checking it frequently in situations where I feel it would possible cause an accident, just ensure it is lower that it needs to be and there is no need to continually look at it.