Electrical Gremlins

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Mar 13, 2012
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Hi Everyone,

Posting this one in case anyone ever encounters. The past week have taken pretty much most of the dash out of the NAV, to install a TowPro and whilst at it I've redone all my wiring, switches and anything I've ever installed myself . It's come up a treat! All wiring is labelled, soldiered and crimped, protected with the nice silicon heat shrink, plugs installed making things modular, common earth run through, fuse block install in the cabin and everything protected inside conduit. To make life easier, I took out most items that got in my way of running wire through the firewall, including the BCM - which I'll come too in a moment.

Tow pro installed, used 8AWG, had to downsize it a bit to get into pin 5 on tow plug.

Interesting thing happened after taking out the BCM and reseating it. Car started locking with doors open. would grab the key, unlock, 5 or 10 min later it would do again and we continue all day. Didn't think much of it at the time. Took the battery out to run the cables from back, up to the front. I don't know about your NAV battery terminals but mine are congested, so while I was there, started moving as much from the -ve terminal that I could to the body grounds close buy.

A few days later, started putting everything back together, battery back in and nothing in the cabin worked. No windows, car would not turn over. Powering to ON position, a minute later headlights and parkers would come on, even though the headlight switch was off. Slept on it last night, knew it had to be 1 of 2 things, as I was only working on my own wiring, not the factory.
1. The battery earth or
2. the BCM module.

Started today by taking a wire brush to the earth. Multimeter to check battery etc. no change. Proceeded into the cabin and pulled out BCM, gave it a once over and reseated the 3 factory plugs, pushed all wiring in even after it had clicked in place and wola, car came alive again!

So if you ever have some weird symptoms that are similar to above. spend 10 mins to check this little box! Its under the dash RH side, near drivers left leg.

Hopefully this helps save someone some time.
do you think this could also be responsible for my problem . I cant turn the engine off with the ignition key, when the engine is running the only way to stop it is to put it in gear and stall the engine ,and the to turn off the ignition i disconnect the battery terminal ,
do you think this could also be responsible for my problem . I cant turn the engine off with the ignition key, when the engine is running the only way to stop it is to put it in gear and stall the engine ,and the to turn off the ignition i disconnect the battery terminal ,
To me that sounds like your ignition barrel.