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Nissan Navara Forum

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  1. N

    D40 heater coil leaking

    I'm surprised no one has posted some information for you yet. Members, if you can help @Monsta, please post and give them any ideas.
  2. N

    Question on Morimoto Headlights upgrade on D40 Thai built

    That does look good. What are your reasons for hesitating? Sounds as if you are doing a lot of careful checking it out.
  3. N

    New member from South Africa

    Welcome to Navara!
  4. N

    New Member

    Good looking vehicle. Great natural backdrop.
  5. N


    Welcome Stan. I expect others will be along to say HI soon.
  6. N

    Hi guys,

    Are there any photos of it? Welcome to the forum.
  7. N

    This is mine

    That is very nice.
  8. N

    D22 “facelift”, effort but worth it!

    That is very sharp looking.
  9. N

    radio upgrade and solution for stupid rubber bonnet mounts

    Good luck on finding a replacement radio. Do the rubber seals on the bonnet dry out quickly?
  10. N

    Grazie per avermi accettato nel forum

    That is an awesome view through the windows.
  11. N


    That sounds like a big and fun event. And nice that you can take your "home" with you.
  12. N


    That vacation truck and RV sure look nice @Old.Tony Now we have St. Patrick's Day as the next holiday that most observe in some manner.
  13. N


    We can now progress to Happy Valentine's Day. Did you do anything special? I had someone leave a small bag of candy on my porch. So nice.
  14. N

    Hi new member from New Zealand

    Nice looking vehicle and that snorkel, does that mean that you go river crossing with it?
  15. N


    Happy New Year's Eve. and may 2023 be fantastic for you in health, enough wealth {plus a bit more}, and happiness.