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Nissan Navara Forum

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  1. R

    steering wheel

    Hello folks. A quick question; I do have a steeringwheel without buttons. Can i replase it with a steering wheel with radio and cc buttons, and get it worked? I know i must have audio adapter
  2. R

    4lo indicator

    I see.. I should get a fully diagnose of the 4wd system on monday, and check the sensors. I hope its just a easypeasy thing to fix
  3. R

    4lo indicator

    I have checked the WAS, and the 4lo text, should be solid.. Can it be the sensors, when the gearbox go into low range, but not tells the controll unit that the low range is engaged?
  4. R

    4lo indicator

    Hello again. Hope u can help me here; on my 06 d40, when i drive in 2wd, there`s only black in the rear wheel, in the display. When i put it in 4H, the display blinks once, and there`s black in all wheels on the display.. But when i put it in 4LO, the display blinks once, and then the 4lo text...
  5. R

    Help wanted:)

    Solved ;) The headlight was recoded on a dealership.
  6. R

    Help wanted:)

    Hi and thanx for help:) I got the red wire. It was only bad connection in the adapter;) all good now. To the headlights; Yes, i know i can made a new wire to make aut headlight, but i hoped there was a easy way..
  7. R

    Help wanted:)

    Hi all Navara owners. I have a problem that i hope u guys (and girls) can help me with. I got my d40 05 navara (frontier) yesterday, and the car is imported from germany, so no automatic headlight. Is there a simple way to get this done? I know some cars can be programmed for this, some cars...